In the beginning, there was the Village of Eleftherios - CH 2

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In heaven, the angels watched over humans.

A freshly graduated young-ish angel finished his guardian training.

He is talking with his commander, of the Guardians  - Zarachiel, who is briefing him on his first job.

Zarachiel, a tall warrior with short-cropped midnight black hair, blazing blue eyes and a chiselled face, he has a permanent scar from the battle of forcing Lucifer out of heaven. He is built like a bodybuilder and has a white long shirt on coming down to his knees. A silver greek breastplate and dark leather sandals. 

His hard blazing eyes assess Nathaniel

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His hard blazing eyes assess Nathaniel. Nathaniel also has soft blue eyes,  the colour of the ocean. He is lean and lanky. He is currently wearing a scholars toga.

Nathaniel is kneeling with his short blonde curly hair facing his king

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Nathaniel is kneeling with his short blonde curly hair facing his king.

"Nathaniel, you have finally completed your training and have been deemed worthy by your mentors. A little girl has just been born in Greece and no other angels are... Available right now to protect such a young charge."

"Zarachiel sir, I'm glad I'm ready. What is her name?" 

"Cassiopeia Eros, born to a special family who I'm told by the Seer is due to be key to a prophecy."

"No other angels want's to do this?" Nathaniel asks.

"Honestly no."

"How long do I have left to prepare?"

"A day young graduate. Pack your things take a sword and shield, and your armour. Also, remember if you fall in love with a human there is hell to pay. " 

"Sir yes, sir."

"Go on make use of the free time you have, before you have to leave home. You can come back once summoned but as you learned in class, your charge is your life, orders will arrive by messenger bird. This crow is your messenger, his name is Boaz, he asked to bond with you."  

Zarachiel handed over the crow, who hopped onto to Nathaniel's glaves. 

Boaz made a ducking motion with his head.

"Good evening young master, how may I make your soul bond worthwhile?" 

"Please always be straightforward Boaz."

"I will do young master." He made a ducking motion again, and Nathaniel stroked his head. Boaz purred.

"You are ready."

Nathaniel flew to his quarters and lay down on his bed.

"My first charge..."


In Eleftherios  

The Eros family and extended family got together to welcome the cute new arrival, Cassiopeia.

They all gathered around the baby in the cot and her mother and father held her up.

"We present to you the family and the gods, our daughter Cassiopeia." They brought her near the blessed holy water and dunked her in briefly in the tub and pulled her out. They dried her off and she opened her eyes briefly. She looked around at everyone and grasped her father's finger.

The family cooed.

They threw a party in celebration of her with the rest of the village the next day.

Later that evening at the party while Cassiopeia was briefly awake she saw him.  He smiled at her and kissed her forehead in service. She giggled and grasped his little finger.

No one saw this, and no one was aware that an angel could be physically touching their guardian.

 7 years later

" Nathaniel catch me!" Cassiopeia said as she jumped off the small tree in the field behind their villa. She jumped and Nathaniel caught her in his hands. He was smiling and put her down.

"One day little one you will no longer be able to see me, and you will forget that I'm here ."

"That's not true Nathaniel, I will always be able to see you." She crossed her arms and her dress blew in the wind. Her caramel brown hair blew in the breeze. She was the average height for a young girl her age, she had warm brown eyes and a fierce look. Her chiton came above her knees as she preferred to run and play outside. Her parents were always worried about her injuring herself.

Nathaniel over the 7 years grew into his full height and as he looked like a teenager still. He wouldn't look like an adult until Cassiopeia did.

He knelt down until they were eye level. He was impressively tall at 6'5 He cupped her cheeks in his palms gently and Cassiopeia could feel the warmth of his energy. It was warm and cool at the same time.

She stayed very still mesmerised and feeling deeply calm.

"You are my charge little one and I will always protect you, with all that I am and all that I have, as it is my job. But it is important that you won't deliberately put yourself in danger. Do you understand?"He said firmly. 

"Yes Nathaniel. Can we go back to playing now?"

He facepalmed and she giggled.

"Little one that is not ..." He smiled as she climbed up the tree and leapt. He flew and dove forward and they landed on the dirt. He held her tightly in his arms. He loosened them a little and she rested her head on his chest, exhausted. She promptly napped right there and then and he smiled and laughed. He checked no one was watching and carried her to her bed.

"Sleep well little one." He kissed her forehead and created a small spell to protect her from nightmares.

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