I crave peace of mind immortal being! CH 14

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After grilling Seraphina for all things Angel and deeply enjoying the girly chat, Cassia braved the Mess Hall.

She didn't want to go. She summoned Ali.

"Strange little soul." 

"Why do you call me that Ali?" She finally asked. He smiled at her and gently bumped her nose, she smiled.

"You are an odd little soul, you are smart, funny in your own way, beautiful and all-around amazing despite how stressed you get outside of battle. I mean it with deep reverence and respect for you young goddess." He blushed faintly. He looked a bit frightened about how she would respond. He was vulnerable with her sometimes about himself but rarely about how he felt with her.

Cassia blushed too, hanging her head.

"Well..." She mumbled.

"Hey, it's not like the feelings aren't mutual right?" He asked. She didn't look up. Ali waved a hand in her face gently making her look up.

"I care for you so deeply."

"Does that mean romantically?" Ali asked hopefully. Cassia ended up thinking about it extremely in-depth. *I mean there is so much worthwhile about Ali, he's hot, sweet and great protection from harm and a great friend...*

She came to as a hand waved across her face.

"Cassia??" He looked at her with such hope.

"I ..."

"Have you ever loved anyone before?" He asked curiously.  She looked lower at the floor. Ali slowly lowered himself to the floor onto his knees so his head was almost level with hers.

He gently held her face in his hands making her look at him.  He could see how scared she was and unsure of her own feelings.

"I want to be honest with you, I haven't lived that long and I'm not much older than you give or take, the beard wee one. You are my strange little soul and my goddess because I have never met anyone like you and I admire you truly for your quirks. You also accept me as I am. That is worthy of my reverence." He blushed faintly. Cassia stared intensely. She found herself moving forward and lowering her forehead to Ali's, surprising him.  Letting her body do the thinking for her, she gazed deeply into his wild green eyes. 

"You are cute when you blush." She said seductively. She kissed both of his cheeks before kissing his forehead.

"Only in front of you my lady."

"Only for me, how blessed I am." She kissed him on the lips deeply. He kissed her softly back. They both closed their eyes savouring the kiss. 

They drew back panting.

"Is that an answer?" Alistair teased. Cassia blushed. She grinned at him cheekily.

"If you want it to be."  She sobered up briefly. "All things considered that is not why I called you here." She frowned and Ali stood up towering over her again. He sighed and put his game face back on.

"What's bothering you, besides your heart?" 

"I need to go to the Mess Hall, but have no will to go."

"You are afraid of facing your friends."


"Fates got to Fate wee one. You can't escape your destiny or hide from your friends for long... For they both will come to find you." He laughed. Cassia laughed as well quietly.

"You are right."

"So is that a yes?"

"Alright, I'll go. And I would like to see where you and I end up." Ali sighed, smirked picked her up and slung her onto his back.

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