The modern world- A new dawn, a new day, a new century - CH 4

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Cassia arose from bed with a shit-eating grin on her face , which frightened her mother as she came to check on her daughter.

Cassia arose from bed with a shit-eating grin on her face , which frightened her mother as she came to check on her daughter

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Cassia wearing a Long grey top that flowed over her hourglass hips to bed and underwear.... smiled again calmer subtlety telling her mum yes she was awake and yes to get out of her room.

Her mother's fierce brown eyes locked on hers.

"Cassia, don't you dare give me that cheeky look young woman!"  Vassiliki chided her daughter. Vassiliki, a tall woman, with wild curly black hair and fierce brown eyes and sharp cheekbones. She had a preference for white flowing tops and blue jeans.  Mother to the cheeky with her Cassia. "You excited for school?"

"Yes." Cassia yawned.

"Not that ready you cheeky shit."

"Hey, are mother's supposed to call their daughters that?!" She asked. Vassiliki shook her head. 

"Probably not. Just this once I will let it go...but you are a bit of a shut-in, no matter how much I encourage you to go out. Why don't you go out more and meet people?"

"I, er, have one friend. "

"Aurelia is wonderful and bless her for sticking with you so long but she doesn't count."

"Racist....Racist ."

"We are Greek, we are proud, and so are Jamaican's ... beyond my point. You need a variety of friends to enrich your life. Aurelia won't be around 24/7 for you for her to be your only friend. A sister is wonderful but you must expand."

"I will make new friends at school, its a fresher start." She said nervously.

"I'm going to let you get ready and I will drive you to school. Your father ... him and his work..." Vassiliki sighed. Jonas had to get up early for work and work wouldn't allow him time off. He had sadly used up all of his holiday leave for that period.

"I know, I'm just glad I have some support. Is Dad proud of me for getting into magic school?"

"He is, you know work wouldn't let him have  time off." She sighed.

"I had a feeling about that but it would be cool if you could both see me off." Cassia sighed as well. 

"He can conference call..." She handed Cassia a little ball ." Press the button and it will connect you via magic. A hologram of your father can attend." Vassiliki smiled.

"Thank you!" Cassia grinned.

"Your welcome cheeky little shit." Vassiliki rubbed her daughters head affectionately.

"That's going to to be my nickname from you now on isn't it?" She said readjusting her hair.


"Don't let dad hear that."

"Your father will never know." Vassiliki went behind her daughter and shoved her out of the room with her towel in hand.

"Hurry up and go get ready." Cassia ran into the bathroom and took the world's quickest shower.

She got dressed and brushed her hair again. She hurried down the stairs.

Vassiliki had made blueberry syrup pancakes, Cassia's favourite.

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