The All-powerful Familiars CH 7

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Next week arrived, and Cassia was back in the Summoner classroom, bouncing with anticipation.

"Today in class, we will learn to summon familiars. Your familiarity is only useful in battle. You will find out if you are capable of supporting magic or leading in battle. After today, you will be split into two groups and different classes for the rest of the year. Either support magic or warrior classes. You will still attend this class for there is so much for me to teach you; however, if you start failing this class, you have to stay behind for 'extra credit.' Tom explained.

The class nodded.

Tom called out the register. No one was absent.

Tom began the slideshow.

On the slideshow were the topics and the sigils for how to summon a familiar. And the tale about them. How they can be spirit guides aids in battle.  Sometimes a source of energy to draw from with more complex spells. They even have their traits in battle with the strength and form they take. The skills and strengths of a unicorn or a bear, for example,

"Have you all finished taking down notes?"

"Yes, sir!"

Tom grinned and rubbed his hands together.

"Alrighty ."

"So, class, we are going to go outside for this as familiars are a bit unpredictable. We never know what you end up manifesting, but what you manifest is normally a reflection of your own heart or the secret that you guard most." "Other times, they are more or less a spirit guide."

Tom summoned his own familiar, who appeared as a tiger.

"This is Tigra; she represents the dark side of me I try to hide." He sighed as he petted her head and she purred.

"What is your dark side, sir?" One brave young man asked. Tom fixed the young man hard in the eyes. The light grey eyes met his with shock.

"So nosy. Well, she represents, ironically, my inability to control my emotions and there is a considerable dark side to that, for which the consequences shouldn't be on your minds. Anything else, young Gabriel?"

"No, sir." He hung his head and his sandy blonde hair covered his eyes.

"Good, not all of yours will represent something to do with your inner darkness as mine does. If you can't summon something today, come see me after in the classroom."

Everyone summoned something except Cassia.

Everyone had their familiar. There was an array of phoenixes, minotaurs, banshees, and other assortments of predators and mythological creatures.

"I can see most of you have summoned something. Here's how you dismiss your familiar. " He demonstrated and tapped the tiger lightly on the head. She nodded and faded back into the ether.

The others did the same and all the familiars left.

"Class dismissed ."

Cassia stayed back after class to talk with Tom. She stood in the doorway, hesitant, until Seraphina gently pushed her. She stumbled into the room. She looked around and no one was there.

Odd, she thought.

Her high heart rate thundered in her ears.

"How may I help you, Cassia? Is it?" He looked up from his phone.

"Yes, sir, Cassia." "Well, did you have trouble summoning a familiar?"

"Yes, sir." His eyes softened and he stood up and strode over, quickly startling her a bit. He asked permission to touch her hand and tugged her gently to the centre of the room.

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