I Crave Silence Immortal Being For Eternity! - CH 13

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Cassia rolled out of bed.

Her schedule was cleared for the week. She knew there was nothing new or exciting to learn this week and she decided it would be worth skipping class. It's not like she could focus on school work at the moment. She was still traumatised by the school trip.

She opened a portal to the Playground.  The wide grassy field, surrounded by the snow-capped mountains and trees created a focused area.

*I need to clear my head properly.*

Not many people were there and none of her classmates or teachers was there. She called Alistair and he came. 

"So skipping class I see." He greeted her.

"I like exercising my demons this way."

"In this world isn't that a bit literal?" He asked handing her a staff as he spun his own it around testing its weight. She looked up at him and smiled.

"Do they bind to people in that way?". She stood in position.  Alistair laughed.

"Not to my knowledge no... But you never know!" He charged at her fulling aiming for her head. Cassia parried with her staff and spun with a roundhouse kick to Alistair's stomach. 

He doubled over as she winded him. 

He came at her again with a straight jab. She jumped over it and rolled with the tip almost going right into his eye. He flicked his wrist and his staff was inches away from her temple.

"I don't think I quite enjoy sparring with the staff." He smiled at her and bowed. Cassia bowed in return.

"What is your favourite way to train ?"  Her eyes sparkled with interest and she was keen to fight in another style. She rarely would have to use an actual staff like this in battle. 

"You are surprisingly competent with magic fighting skills. How good are you at sword fighting?"

"Do sword battles happen anymore?"

"Hmm, you can absolutely win a fight with a magic gun or something... But it will drain your energy with the bullets if you use bullets." He looked deep in thought.

"Still though what's your favourite way to train?" She repeated. 

"Ohh, usually martial arts. Something that usually involves my fists or my hands. Boxing is fun. Just not the staff."

"I can see that." She laughed. " Your not very good with it clearly as  are you getting the shit beaten out of you by an 18-year-old woman." Alistar chuckled too as a small tear escaped. He pulled her into a hug.

"It's an honour to have my butt kicked by you, my lady." He rested his chin on her head. Cassia rubbed her head into his stomach making him laugh. "Please stop, I'm ticklish there..." Her eyes lit up as she looked at him again.

She backed up and launched into a tackle, flooring the massive man and cushions his fall with magic. Cassia straddled Alistair just above his waist and began an attack on the shirtless man's abs.

By the end of it, they were both hot and sweaty and dying of joy and laughter.


Midweek at dinner Cassia spent with her friends mindlessly pushing her food around. All she wanted was to go to bed.  Alistair had encouraged her to attend dinner at least.

"Cassia, you're quieter than usual,"  Raphael mentioned rubbing his hand gently down her back. She let out a little moan as he touched her tender back. She was already slouching in her chair.

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