A first day of school again, rinse & repeat x3 more years - Ch 5

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The black and blue ball glowed as Cassia made the conference call, once they arrived outside the gates of the massive fortress that is the School Of Magical and Philosophy ...

A hologram of Cassia's father appeared.

"Hi Cass, are you excited to got to this new school and meet new people." Jonas smiled with this expectant look, that Cassia got often. She had no idea why her parents encouraged her to meet new people so much.

"Yes, dad I'm excited."

"Don't just tell me what I want to hear. I'm proud of you anyways for making it, here." He smiled and gave her a thumbs up. "I love you, sweetheart, I'm so sorry I couldn't be here properly in person to see you off." He sighed.

"It's ok Dad, really."

"Next year on your first day back I will be there this time with you and your mother."

"I would truly appreciate that." Cassia cheered up.

"Bye sweetie." Jonas said blowing her a kiss rather effeminately making her laugh.

"Bye dad."

The conference call ended. Vassiliki came to collect the ball and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"The house is going to be so much quieter without you dearie..."

"Since when do you call me dearie?" She asked with a bit too much sass.

"Read the room, you ruined the moment." Vassiliki sighed. "Dearie was much sweeter than cheeky little shit, but I think you prefer it, you masochist," Vassiliki said looking deep into her daughter's eyes making her squirm. "Goodbye, my child."

Vassiliki climbed into her car and reversed out of the driveway to the school.

Cassia stared at her mother's car until it was no longer visible. She then turned to the imposing school gate towering over her with their impressive stone walls and castle-like structures. The dark grey stone gave her a bit of anxiety standing there.

She sighed and took a deep breath before mentally preparing herself for the amount of socialising she would have to do for the next couple of days and pray that people would be nicer to her than at high school. She shivered and had to remind herself that she had more strength now, she trained with her limited resources relentlessly.

Cassia stepped through the gates and walked through to the main entrance. She waited in the main foyer with the rest of the new people.

The headmaster came down the grand staircase which leads to the mezzanine stair level.

The man had long spiky blonde hair and electric glowing blue eyes. He had a flat nose and flat lips that were bright red with a slight rash above. (He had an allergic reaction to something he ate. Normally they are pink...) He was wearing a long dark blue robe over his jeans and t-shirt, which was baffling the students.

) He was wearing a long dark blue robe over his jeans and t-shirt, which was baffling the students

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