Chapter 1 World Of Teyvat

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Quick Note - Friendly Fire ON, No Respawns

Location: ???

Kayden Drops Right Into the Ocean, but he was close to the beach.

Kayden Spit Salt water and crawls right into the sand.

Kayden: *Pant 3x* okay... where am i right now...

//DynamicGroovy64// Join The Server

MrMajor25 Join The Server

Kayden: what?

2 Players Dropped on top of Kayden.

Present Time

Youri: *groan* I just fell on someone... did I?

Sky: Yep...

Kayden : *Muffled* The 2 of you are sitting on my back and my head with your asses, now get off me!

Sky: Oops, sorry...

Youri: .... *le sight* et merde...

2 Players Got off his back, Kayden Stands up covered in sand.

Kayden: Aw dang it, my morning clothes. It felt weird that I kept wearing these out in the unfamiliar place

Youri: *still laying on the sand* Bad morning? Welcome to the club bro...

Kayden: yeah yeah thanks...

Kayden Smells like Salt water

Kayden: Gotta need to change like right now.. You are wearing a military outfit and the other person wears H.E.V Suit... wait a sec.. O_O Are you two Gmod Players?!

Youri: *Immediately raise head* Did. Someone. Says. "Gmod"!?

Sky: I'm a GMod player. But what do you mean that I'm wearing an HEV suit?

Kayden: Only Gordon wears H.E.V Suit.

Sky looked at his clothes and noticed that he's actually wearing the HEV suit.

Sky: Oh...

Youri: *sudden realisation* Crap, I forgot to put my exosuit combo.

Youri stood up and opened his backpack, revealing two sets of exo-suits: the exo-skeleton from COD AW and the exo-jump from CSGO. Putting the two wasn't that hard, linking them together was always a little challenge.

Kayden: You both seem already lock-n-loaded huh?

Youri: When you land in an unknown area; always expect the unexpected, much like the spanish inquisition. Plus I'm not the bravest man alive so...

Sky: I always expect that something would happen thanks to my tingling sense. I got used to it now.

Kayden: *raise eyebrow* ok.. Then how about we introduce ourselves.

Youri: Ugh, I hate introduction.

Kayden: The name is fine, i can't tell your names right now, Idk my ID Name won't detect other player's name.

Youri: Wait, are you guys seriously telling me that I'm the only one who knows that your name is Kayden and Sky already with my HUD?

Kayden: Bruh.. I Think Our HUDs are different, I guess the addons are different to others they have.. How about you Sky...

Sky: Well, my HUD would also find information on someone's name and identification. But I can't use it. It's like, something was trying to prevent me from using it. Dunno why though...

Kayden: weird.. Anyway give me a sec to change..

Kayden Spawned a Big Wall and deletes it, he's already changed to his usual dress he wears.

Gmod Player X Genshin Impact (Multiplayer Edition) "Slow Update"Where stories live. Discover now