Chapter 8 Stormterror Lair

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Time: 10:21 PM
Location: Starsnatch Cliff
Status: Normal

We're now at Starsnatch Cliff. Due to a long run cliff + its way high. Kayden, Aether, Jean and Diluc waiting here on top of the cliff.

Kayden: um.. Is it just me? Or those 2 are tired by now.. C'mon Guys Were Almost there!!

Youri: But I wanna go to sleep... Can't we just knock out the dragon and sing tomorrow?

Kayden: It's only 10 PM, I Mostly Stay up at 12 like a gamer.

Sky: I'm not tired tho... *yawn* Welp, maybe I am.

Kayden: bruh.

Youri: -_-

Kayden Toss 2 Pepsi max towards Youri and Sky

Kayden: Heads up!

Youri wasn't paying attention anymore and got hit on the head by a Pepsi Max, making him fall backward.

Youri: Ouch....

As for Sky, he caught the Pepsi Max. He looked at it then at Kayden.

Sky: I usually drink Coke, but thanks...

Kayden Points at Sky with a shotgun.

Kayden: *Jojo Black Eyes* say what now?

Sky: What? Did I say something wrong?

Kayden: Who's Pepsi's Mortal enemy.....

Sky: Coke, what's even the big deal with it?

Kayden's Insanity Increase

Youri: Looks like someone fucked up

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Youri: Looks like someone fucked up.

Sky: *sigh* Another day...

Kayden: not a big deal you say... you dense buffoon....

Kayden Brought a BFG 9000 and prepared to shoot.

Youri: Yare Yare Daze...

(Time Skip)

Diluc: Everyone is here.. afterall..

Youri: And so it seems

Sky's Body is lying on the ground, roasted up.

Kayden: -_-

Youri: You sure you don't want me to take care of him right now?

Kayden: I mean he survived easily. A bit.. Secondly, never say a heresy word.

Youri: ... *mumble* And he said I brought misfortune...

Diluc: *sigh*

Kayden: I Have A Lot of Things to Hate.

Youri: Like what now? Girls?



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