Chapter 3 Temple Raid Part 1

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Time: 5:02 PM
Location: Mondstadt, Temple of The Lion
Status: Normal

Kayden: Let's go everyone..

Kayden is now armed with a Combat Shotgun. Full Auto-mode.

Sky: *TF2 sniper voice* Okay m8

Sky said this as he played around with a jarate and a heavy's minigun strapped on his back.

Youri: *TF2 spy voice* Let's settle this like gentlemen!

Youri just built a level 1 dispenser and was currently upgrading it since his friends seem to love wasting ammo a lot. Now they wouldn't run out of ammo... too quickly.

Youri: *loading his sci-fi spas* The dispenser will be at level 3 pretty soon, but for the love of Notch don't waste your ammo too much!

Kayden Literally Looks at his own shotgun, because the Full auto shoot barrage of shotgun shells.

Kayden: >:3

Sky: No promises

Sky said as he engaged his minigun and it started to spin.

Youri was just staring at them with a deadpan expression, slowly starting to build another dispenser... and a sentry gun.

Youri: You guys are lucky I made sure to not screw this up cause I have a feeling you will. -_-'

Sky: Where's Amber by the way?

Kayden: She's right behind you... p_p

Amber: Really? I was right here for the whole time..

Paimon: Can these guys really do this?

Aether Shrugged.

Youri: Just let the professional do their job and everything will be fine... probably. *stare at Kayden and Sky*

Sky: Hey, I promise you. As long as we're okay, nothing bad will happen... I think...

Kayden: But you said No Promises..

Sky: It's about ammo consumption man...

Youri: *Roll eyes* I don't even want to know the cost of your daily ammo consumption. I bet heavy would be jealous right now.

Kayden Runs in and encounters a Hilichurl Camp.

Kayden: Game on baby!

Hilichurls: YAAAAK!!

Kayden Jump and Dash towards the hilichurl camp, with fast speed and extreme sense of fighting. Shooting down 2 Normal Hilichurl, The Third Pump Shot blocked by a Single Wooden Shield.

 Shooting down 2 Normal Hilichurl, The Third Pump Shot blocked by a Single Wooden Shield

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The Hilichurl's shield has no holes.

Kayden: really...

Youri: *laugh in French*

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