Chapter 10 KFC?!

720 20 37

Time: 8:03 AM
Location: Mondstadt, Angel's Share
Status: Asleep

*Beep 5x*

Kayden: zzzzzzzzzzz

Kayden reaches the alarm clock right next to him.

Time: 8:03 AM

Kayden: *groan* my head..

Kayden wakes up and finds himself in the Angel's share..

Kayden: where the hell am i?

Kayden does not remember anything since he's drunk yesterday.

Kayden: better head back..

Kayden got up and left the second floor, he hadn't changed the formal dress. Kayden calls Sky using a Phone.

Kayden: Reach For the Sky!

Sky: [Phone] Oh Kayden! Seems that you're awake now...

Kayden: [Phone] Yep. *burp* jesus.. Did I smell like wine yesterday?

Sky: [Phone] *chuckles* Yep... you kept singing about Tall Lady Bitches from the tavern last night when I was about to pick you up... How're ya feeling?

Kayden: [Phone] I Don't know.. My head hurts. Did I seriously sing like that before yesterday? I can't even remember how I got here.

Sky: [Phone] Yes and it annoyed everyone from the tavern... even Diluc... *sigh* You know, you shouldn't just drink away your problems like that man. I was worried...

Kayden: [Phone] oof.. I Don't even know how I took so many shots last night.

Sky: [Phone] *sigh* Anyways, Major isn't here yet...

Kayden: [Phone] Seriously?

Sky: [Phone] Yep, ever since that incident happened, He just went missing... I couldn't even find him everywhere in the city.

Kayden: [Phone] ok... is Aether with you?

Sky: [Phone] In his room, still sleeping.

Kayden: [Phone] is it just me? Or I keep hearing noises in your phone.

On The Other side, Paimon is inspecting the phone up close.

Paimon: Who are you talking to? That's a weird thing you have here.

Sky: I'm talking to Kayden. And you need to get off though, I can't call properly if you kept doing that... -_-

Paimon: Hehe, oops...

Paimon said as she let go of the phone.

Aether: kayden? Haven't seen him for now, I Just realized he wasn't here. Where is he now?

Sky: At the Angel's Share. He slept there last night after he got drunk.

Aether: Was it the incident yesterday?

Sky: *sigh* Yep...

Aether: Seriously?

Sky: *nods* We should get going and pick up Kayden. Who knows if he'll drink again.

Aether: Sure. BTW that thing you're tho is still active.

Sky: Oh right...

Then he looked at the phone and saw that the call was still active.

Kayden: [Phone] I Don't think drinking in the morning wasn't a good idea for me.. -_-

Sky: [Phone] Yeah yeah. Anyways, we'll go by the tavern and pick you up. We'll see ya later.

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