Chapter 19 Smell That Never Dies

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Location: Dadaupa Gorge, Mondstadt

Time: 5:49 AM

Status: Tired


After a day of brutally long walk from Liyue to Mondstadt, the group (excluding Youri) have finally made it to the location where they would test the samples of those Noctilucous Jades: Dadaupa Gorge.

Youri [Radio]: Good news: I finally lost the pirate lady. Bad news: It appears I'm back in Mondstadt. So... whatever you have to do here... just don't wait for me ok?

Sky: *radio* yeah yeah... *yawn* I've got no time to talk right now... I'm tired... *another yawn*

Paimon: You can do that later, we're almost there!

Kayden: I'm literally bored walking, the only thing that makes me not bored is to see any kinds of slime in any distance.

Sky: Lucky you guys. My legs are now very sore from that very... VERY long walk! And we didn't even have resting spots!

Paimon: Whatever makes you feel better. I ain't tired from it ya know, so you guys should too!

Aether had an incredulous look on the emergency food. Kayden was Chill exploring mondstadt. For Sky, his left eye was twitching in anger, but it stopped when he began to fall down, now asleep.

Kayden: *sigh*

Kayden forces open Sky's Mouth and drops a few liters of Pepsi Max, forcing him to wake up and regain half of his energy.

Sky: *TF2 Spy voice* I feel très bon!

Kayden:*Medic Voice* Move! Shnel!

With the metal knight back in action thanks to Kayden's good ol' Pepsi, the group began to walk.


A few minutes later they are now finally at the area where the huge cooking pot is located. But the problem is that there are a few hilichurls blocking their way, doing their own stuff.

Kayden: *Loads Combat Shotgun*

But Kayden sees his down front screen says "Low Ammo"

Kayden: agh.. Tits! I Forgot to get some ammo to Major

Suddenly, one of the hilichurls got shot down, soon followed by another. The whole camp started to be on alert, looking for the invisible threat that continued to pick them one by one. After a mere minute of shooting, only a few hililchurls managed to stay alive by taking cover as they finally noticed where the shots came from.

Zhongli: Well... Looks like the threat has suddenly been dealt with... I wonder who did that...

Sky: Seems that Youri's now here

Kayden: He has a freakin sniper-pistol.

As on cue, a familiar Albinos came out of the shadows, swapping his sniper-pistol for his short silenced XM8 as the last few hilichurls finally attacked him before being gunned down too. Once the job was done, Youri started inspecting the area for possible loot until he noticed that he wasn't alone.

Kayden: Deploy Dispencer Here!

Youri: *See the group* Dafuq are you guys doing here!? Weren't you supposed to prepare some funeral or some shit!? *Deploys dispenser* And here's your bloody dispenser bro! Serves you right for not checking your ammo baka!

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