Chapter 7 The Holy Lyre

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Note for Readers - Once we Finished First Archon quest, we will begin some few shenanigans and crazy chapters. 


Time: 10:21 PM
Location: Mondstadt, Angel's Share
Status: Normal

The Next Night at Angel's Share, it was closed, We Met Diluc again.

Kayden: Heyoo

Jean: Wait.. You're..

Sky: Acting Grandmaster? What're you doing here?

Youri: ...

Diluc: Well, first of all, I contacted more than one person. Secondly, She came here as "Jean" Herself, not as the acting grandmaster. A Jean you would never see, even as a Honorary Knight

Jean: What a Surprise. I Heard about the Holy Lyre, but I never suspected it was you. So The Sound of the Holy Lyre can purify Storm Terror and return it to normal.. Is that true?

Venti: That's right! His Team is Putting themselves on the front line to try and resolve this Storm Terror Issues. Now That's The Hotshot of the Knights of Favonius I'm Talking about.

Kayden: bruh..

Kayden Drinks pepsi again. It's Pepsi Light to Lighten up his own mood.

Kayden: So Major. You think you can track the Fatui's that they've stolen the holy lyre? They Can't be that far, right?

Major: ... Yes...

Kayden: How can you track em? I feel bad for Dvalin over a lot of years of pain caused by the poison.

Youri: ...

Sky: Why would the Fatui steal the Holy Lyre del Himmel anyway?

Jean: The Conflict between Mondstadt and Snezhnaya stems from the conflict between the seven nations and their respective gods. The Cryo God's fatui seems to be after the Anemo God's Power.

Aether: So they wanted to kill Dvalin?

Jean: Right. If the Knights of Favonius publicly prevented an attempt on Dvalin's head, then.. The only other way to affect the Anemo God's power is to take the holy lyre.

Diluc: The Number of Fatui that have come to Mondstadt is far from limited.  I've Already managed to... coerce a few reports out of them. 

Jean: Diluc has determined that the Holy lyre is not being held in the Goth grand hotel.

Youri: Putting the Lyre here would be too obvious and risky, they put it in a remote place under the cover of a totally legal and harmless purpose.

Kayden: *sigh* anyway, since we know where the Holy lyre is. Make sure y'all prepared.

Kayden Loaded The Pepsi Launcher. And a Bag of Pepsi Launcher Ammo

Diluc: Outlanders, Ready to go?

Sky: Sir yes sir

Sky was about to take out his weapon, when he felt his hand tingling.

Sky: Huh?

Then suddenly, it glitched but it was instantly gone and it made him flinch. Kayden and Youri seemed to notice this.

Kayden: Why are you lagging?

Sky: I don't know... must be the suit I think... But let's forget that, we need to go. 'what just happened...?'

Youri: ...

Youri stand in the back, observing everyone getting ready for the fight. It didn't take long for him that something was up, and it wasn't about the Stormterror situation. There was obviously a bigger picture; But, what is it REALLY about?

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