Chapter 20 The Perfume

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Time: 1:02 PM
Location: Liyue Harbor
Status: Normal

After an unsettling encounter with the Captain of The Crux, Beidou, and the long and wise words of Zhongli about Silk Flowers, the group were now at the bottom section of Liyue Harbor as they stood in front of a shop owned by the same guy who conversed with the travelers about the Rite of Descension, Bolai. He's also the person who might sell some Silk Flowers, as the consultant mentioned before they head off.

Paimon: Sup' boss-!

Bolai suddenly shushed them before responding to them in a whispered voice.

Bolai: *whisper* Keep your voice down!

Paimon: Wha-?

Another shush has been let out by the shopkeeper.

Paimon: But-!

Then another shush

Paimon: W-wait-!

And another

Bolai: *whisper* Aren't you listening? I told you to keep your voice down! *sigh* Now what do you want?

Paimon: Ugh! I give up-!

Aaand another one... Which made the Emergency Food scratch her head in frustration before limping down and sighing in defeat.

Sky: *mutter* What is this, a shady black market?!

Kayden: Probably.. I Wonder Major was doing okay..



Youri: Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!

Youri was currently hiding behind a wall as Beidou was passing by, actively looking for him. The albinos soldier was trembling as he had covered his mouth in order to make as little noises as possible.

Beidou: Come here cutie. I promise I won't hurt you... if you surrender peacefully that is.

Youri: !!!

She was now next to the wall he was hiding behind, and looking in his direction... before continuing her search further down the street.

Youri: Is she gone now?

Not taking a chance, Youri hesitantly took a peek outside, checking the right and left side of the street in search of the pirate lady. Lucky for him, she left the area.

Youri: *Sight* How could I make her understand that she was responsible for that without having to turn me int-

???: Turning you into a what cutie?

Youri immediately froze on the spot, completely caught off guard. Slowly, the now trapped albino soldier turned around to face his pursuer who was now looking at him with a satisfied face and a thirsty look on her eyes.

Beidou: Now, now...

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