Chapter 9 Archon Quest Finished

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Time: ????
Location: Stormterror Lair
Status: Normal

The battle begins at sky high, Stargazer and Aether chase Dvalin in a dogfight.

Venti's Voice: The Abyss Order Must have cursed the wounds. That's what's corrupting Dvalin's Mind. To save Dvalin, we're going to have to get rid of those blood clots. Now aim for those blood clots!

Sky: Roger that

Sky and Aether prepare to charge up their Anemo powers. Then they aimed it towards the blood clot and began firing their wind energies towards it.

Stormterror then roared in pain and it flew faster, creating a far distance between them. Then it began to spew out barrages of its wind energies towards the two, along with some cursed ones that home in.

Sky: Incoming!

Sky and Aether were now dodging those wind energies coming from the dragon and also maneuvering around to avoid getting hit by the cursed ones.

Venti's Voice: Dvalin is getting away.. But I'm Familiar with his tactics, just hold on a bit longer.

The two nodded in response.

Venti's Voice: I'll Extract and condense the pure Anemo from the shots being fired. Shattering them will create acceleration currents. I Can't control where they will appear, so keep your eyes peeled.

Venti used his powers to form a huge ball of wind energy then placed it.

Venti: Try shooting it. It'll help you accelerate towards the dragon.

Sky and Aether followed what Venti said, so they fired their wind energy towards the windball and it suddenly disappeared, then it turned into a huge circular wind ring. They went through the ring and it accelerated them for a short period of time.

The two were now a few distant away from the dragon, meaning that they needed a few of those wind balls in order to shoot the blood clot.

Sky: Yo Venti, you got any more?

Venti: It's recharging so you'll need to wait first. Keep avoiding his attacks while you still can.

The two kept dodging Stormterror's barrage of wind energies. Then another windball appeared, so they began firing towards it and it turned into a wind ring. They went through it and they accelerated. After that, they are now behind the dragon.

Sky: Finally! Quick, let's shoot that blood clot!

Aether: Okay!

They began firing their wind energies rapidly at the blood clot. They continuously do this until it begins to crack.

Sky: It's working!

So they kept firing the blood clot. After many shots of wind energies, the blood clot blew up, causing Stormterror to roar very loudly in pain due to the explosion coming from the blood clot.

Sky: *TF2 Heavy voice* Iz nice

Venti's Voice: Dvalin... I'm sorry if it's hurting you... Just one more!

The dragon then began to fly up through the clouds and went to a structure filled with pillars and platforms.


Kayden: Oh boy, Major!

Youri: *Look through binoculars* Yessssssssss?

Kayden: Poot Sentry here.

Youri: Nah, I'll have some fun.

Kayden: ಠ_ಠ


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