Chapter 21 Teapot

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Time: 5:02 PM
Location: Liyue
Status: Normal

Standing by the front of the Geo Statue of The Seven are Zhongli and the travelers (excluding Youri...) as they conversed with one another after they've reached their destination. They began offering each of the special perfumes to the statue until they offered the last one, which is preferable for mature women, earning a gentle glow from the statue. Though it indicated that the statue liked it, It was very unexpected for the travelers to say the least...

Paimon: Oh? What was that?

Aether: It seems that Rex Lapis likes this perfume. The one for... Old ladies.

Sky: that was unexpected

Paimon: Wait a second, does that mean that Rex Lapis is an older lady?

Sky: I'd say he's gay or he's using it to impress the ladies.

Aether: The gay one, I can understand that. But why use a women's perfume to impress women exactly?

Kayden: What is Wrong with this World.. Makes me want to kill myself for this..

Zhongli cleared his throat, causing the travelers to glance at him, who was looking at them with a raised eyebrow that said 'I'm still here hearing what you've said y'know?' as it made them quiet, much to his relief.

Zhongli: From what Paimon said, Rex Lapis can perhaps, be an old lady. In fact, he can take on many countless forms which can be the latter.

This earned a dejected sigh from the emergency food as she began thinking what Rex Lapis would look like in his "old lady" form, along with many other forms. Better not be thinking what he'll look like in his "food" form, otherwise things might go unpleasant between the two.

Paimon: What a shame, we only got to see the giant dragon form, and... Ugh! Let's hope that the Liyue Qixing will successfully capture the real assassin!

Zhongli: We can leave that to the authorities. Let us focus on the fond farewell for Rex Lapis.

Sky: I'd still say that the Fatui's behind this bullcrap.

Kayden: I don't think the Fatui's are behind the assassination, if they did, they would blow a hole on him instead, what's not make anything sense that it has no injuries after crash landed on the rites of descension. I Mean, Geo archon is the most powerful archon and the eldest among the seven. Who Could make an Assassination like that.

Sky: Kayden, there's one thing that I know. And that one thing is that the Fatui wouldn't do something reckless like that. Heck, they might even make a cover up and create deception to initiate their intentions under the shadows. And what's more, an archon, an ARCHON, was ruling the Fatui, to which they might've granted those soldiers and Harbinger some sort of "godslayer" powers to par with the other archons.

Kayden: dude, Venti said the only archons remaining are Geo, Anemo and Electro. Which means the rest are dead or back to Heaven.

Sky: What about the one Jean stated that the Cryo Archon still rules the Fatui until now? Like seriously, how can archons rule such organizations like that if they're already dead? Wouldn't that change the leadership within it? *sigh* This is really confusing... But then again, these lunatics are much devoted to the Cryo Archon to which they might continue fulfilling her goals and ambitions, if said archon has already been confirmed dead.

Kayden: *Sigh* All Shit aside, let's get back to the point already, we ain't going nowhere for this..

Sky: *sigh* You're right... So, what's next on our list then Mr. Funeral guy?

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