Chapter 2: Deja vu

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Outside of the Skeleton's Household...

*You and Sans are outside while Papyrus is making a Vegetarian Spaghetti*

Sans:*Looks at them with Pity* You still believe that kind of stuff? That I will become the good person that I once was? *Scoffs and smiles in disbelief while shaking his skull* Kid you are something else.
Chara: *To Frisk* See? He isn't gonna budge. Can you ask him to just leave?
Frisk: *to Chara* (COME ON CHARA! Think positive. Also, THAT is RUDE!) I know Sans. But it's worth it when you have faith.You are good. You are still Sans *Pokes Sans in the center of his chest* in there. You just need to believe in yourself more.
Sans:*Upset* How do you know I am still the same? Haven't you seen what I've done several times before?

*Sans approaches you*
*He looks at you with anger*
*You stand tall even though you are taller than him in a way*
*He continues to glare at you before breaking the silence*

Sans:*Looks down at the snow* *Sighs* Stop trying to think I am going back to my ol' self alright kid? I've fallen too far from him already. *Heads toward the door* Also, I don't know what you're planning now but please let it be setting my brother free from this place.

*You turn to face him and nod*
*You both proceed to go inside the Household*
In Papyrus perspective...
*Papyrus is conflicted and speaking to himself while he prepares the meal*

Pap: Why do I have a bad feeling leaving Sans with the Human? *A sharp flash of pain fills Papyrus head* AHH! *Falls onto one knee* *He begins to see an image*


The Wolf/Sans: *SNARL* *Proceeds to attack Undyne*

*Sans has changed into the Wolf in front of Undyne*
*Sans was asking for help and Undyne instead attacked him*
*Papyrus watched this all happen and attempts to yell for Sans to calm down*

The Wolf/Sans: *Sees Frisk and lunges toward them*
Pap: NO! *Runs to protect Frisk* Sans stop!

*All goes black...*


*Sans is currently shaking Papyrus to snap him out of the illusion*
*Papyrus only recalls that The Wolf he was shouting at was someone close*
*He only knows he had to protect Frisk from the Wolf but not that someone though..*

Sans: *Worried* PAP! What happened? *Turns to Frisk* Frisk turn off the stove! *Turns back to Papyrus* What happened I heard you yell and screamed my name. What happened?!
Pap: I don't know. But the Wolf..I saw it. But I was..*Looks around and sees he's back in the kitchen* am I back? The human, and Undyne were there! Didn't you see it, Frisk? It was attacking Undyne and you were next so I...
Frisk: I didn't see it. I was outside with Sans. I wasn't with Undyne. (That was 3 RESETs ago. How did he remember that? *Gasp* Chara do you think he's remembering by himself?)
Chara: I don't know but that did happen 3 RESETs ago.
Sans: went inside and were cooking while I talked to Frisk. You were in here and when I opened the door and sat at the couch you yelled. There was no Wolf nearby and Frisk has been with me this whole time.
Pap: *putting a hand on his Skull* I think I need to rest my head. *Shakes Skull* No. I must finish the meal! You guys need your nutrition!
Frisk: Um. Papyrus? The noodles and sauce are burnt. I think I got a recipe to use if you don't mind Papyrus.
Pap: Maybe it'll be alright. Good luck human *Stands up and follows Sans out of the kitchen*
Sans: *Concerned* (What did he see in that vision? He isn't supposed to remember without a touch of the Past Timeline. What is giving him the memory that was 3 RESETs ago?) So what did you fully see in that... thing? Did you see anything else?
Pap: I remember only to protect Frisk from the Wolf but not who became it. So, it may be telling me I know them too well to think they wouldn't purposely hurt someone. It attacked Undyne so I yelled for them to stop. Eventually it did something..I don't know what but I only remember I had to protect Frisk then everything went black.
Sans: So, you don't know who it was? Are you sure?
Pap: Yes.
Sans: (So he isn't lying about what he saw.) Ok Paps. Just rest on the couch.
*Papyrus takes off his boots and lays down to rest on the couch*
*Sans leaves Papyrus with a Skull full of worries*
*He felt relief though.. Papyrus believes they wouldn't hurt anyone on purpose*

Somewhere outside of the WolfGene AU....

A dark Castle stands tall and intimidates all except those who dare to enter...
*A small figure is banging on a dungeon cell door*

???1:UGH! I have been waiting for my turn for an hour!
???2: *slightly muffled* You know I get to take my time, right?
*The door opens*
*It revealed a skeleton with tears that drip in 3 streams per socket in the color of deaths clothes*
*He seems to be smiling with emptiness in his sockets*
*He also is wearing a black hoodie jacket and shirt that seems to reveal a target of red*
*Seems to be wearing shorts and dark shoes*

KillerSans: Also, you know that the boss said I get more time since *looks around then back to the other figure* "you know who" sorta killed the last one.
*A tall skeleton figure approaches*
???3: Is someone talking about me?
Killer: Not really. I was mostly speaking about how one of us killed the last victim and now I get more time with my torture process.
*The Tall figure is about 5' 10" at most with a double sided axe in his hand..*

*..which holds rust and small amounts of blood*
*They have a bite mark that made a hole on the side of his Skull*
*His right socket below the hole is blood red with only a black line for the pupil*

*He is also wearing a Hoodie-Jacket that is long enough to be worn by a Papyrus as a Jacket*

*It seems to be covered in dust and blood in several places*
*He wears black shorts with one white stripe on each that is slightly torn*
*You can almost say he's a Papyrus to a Sans...almost*
Horrify: *Leans toward Killer* You sure? Cuz I don't know when Axe-idents happen around here. So, are you sure?
Killer:*Flatly and pointing at the last figure* I blame Dusty.

???2: ME?! It was yo-hrgk!
*Dusty was punched in the gut by Horrify*
*Dusty wears a gray and blue hoodie-jacket which he keeps the hood up at all times*
*Unlike the rest this one actually has better amount of emotions...sort of*
*He wears shorts with the same pattern as Horrify but his is covered with only Monster Dust*
*If he wasn't using any magic he will carry a baseball bat with spikes at the end of it*
*He used to kill his Underground off thinking it would be better for them than by the hands of a human..*

*..After a while his mindset changed once more..*
*..telling him that it was..FUN*
Dusty: DANG it! Horrify it was Killer not ME! *Heaves* Oh my-*Pukes* What have you been doing? Lifting rocks?

Horrify: Nope. Lifting corpses is more like it.
Dusty: (Bl) I am leaving you two.*turns and walks out* I'm out!
???: What's going on here?

*Dusty accidentally runs into a Dark goopy figure that is in the similar shape of a skeleton*

Dusty: I am leaving this area cuz I still can't get my turn to torture the victim and then when it had to be a topic on Horrify I get blamed for it. So, what do I get? A SLUG IN THE GUT!

*The figure stares with his one socket that shines a dark neon green light*
*This is the Guardian of Negativity*
*This being has 4 tentacle like strands coming from his back all the color black with a slight glimmer of the same Dark Neon green*
*He is covered with goop of Darkness*
*He is also currently frowning at the fact that he dropped his hotdog*

Nightmare: *Deep Frown* You ruined my hotdog. *Uses tentacle to display the sad hotdog* Also, do I look like I care?
Dusty:*stares at the Boss's face* *Only sees blank* I really can't tell.
Nightmare:*Smiles* I hate you.
Dusty: *Smiles* I hate you too.
Nightmare: Anyways. I have news fellas. I found an anomaly..well a Sans that seems useful. He is in a new AU called WolfGene.
Killer: Why do we need another? How are they even a hint of usefulness?
Horrify: Can we get some food? I'm hungry!
Killer: *Pats Horrify's back* We know buddy, we know.
Dusty: Why do we need him though?
Nightmare: He has an ability to do things that we can't yet. Such as regenerating without any effort. Well, you guys I'm totally fine. Also, he doesn't know that he can travel any multiverse even outside of all of multiverses with our kinds in it. We need to have him before we can't take him in due to his growing stats.
Dusty, Killer, and Horrify: Ok boss.


(1480 words)

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