Chapter 10: 3 Slashes

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*Sans sits there staring dumbfounded about the question that was coming out of the Impostors mouth before he finally registers what has happened*

*He is no longer in Snowdin...*

*No longer in the Underground..*
*No longer with Papyrus, Frisk nor Preyson..*


*Where is he? Who are they..? Unless..*

Gene: What's your real names?

*One of the Impostors chuckled..the ..dusty one*

Dusty: This guy..heheh...he-he is acting like he can't recognize himself! Hehehehaha!

*WolfGene!Sans was unamused of the reaction the Dusty!Sans had before he would go back to wishing he could attack others he turns to the one who captured him..*

Gene: What is your name? You have one don'chu?

Horrify: name is Sans. How come Wolfie couldn't tell his other Self's Name?

*He stares at the shocked Sans with zero trace of any other emotion but curiousity and humor when he sees the expression of the small Sans..*

Dusty: What? Never seen another Sans before? SANS it is important to know your name! How else will you tell others you want to make an alli-SANS with them? *Snickers* It makes SANS doesn't it? Hahahha!

*WolfGene!Sans seems temporarily in shock still until DustTale!(E)Sans pulled himself together to finally talk..*

Dusty: I'm Dusty and this is Horrify. *He shakes Gene's hand* We were told you would be joining us soon.

Gene: When? *Lets go off Dusty's Hand*

Dusty: Didn't say. All they said was soon. You know how that goes.

Gene: Ugh. Tell me about it. One day they say:(Imitates Gaster) "ALMOST DONE!" or (Alphys): "Just a few more tweaks!"

Dusty: Boring right?

Gene: It eventually got there yeah. But what I really want to ask is..Where am I?

*The one called Dusty sighs as he walks to the living room's sofa and pats an empty seat for WolfGene to sit in*

*WolfGene!Sans sits in it obediently*

Dusty: You are in Nightmare Castle..or what we like to say..*Looks around before whispering to WolfGene!Sans*..NOOT-Mare's *Sniggers* Home of the Guardian of Darkness AND Base of the Murder time Trio AKA me..Killer and Horrify. *Gestures to the Sans scratching his arm that was still wounded but stopped bleeding*

Gene: ..I wouldn't do that if I were you, Horrify.

*Horrify looks up like a confused child*

Horrify: Why Wolfie?

Gene: You might get dusted if you annoy me enough..but also it just makes yourself bleed again.

Horrify: oh...why did you bite me?


Horrify: You didn't need to bite me!


Dusty: *Chuckles silently* That's Horrify.

*Dusty seems to be enjoying himself with the conversation with the two Sanses*

*He feels a bit more relaxed if he's the one not having to fume over events*

Dusty: You seem to not answer my question. What is your name? You are from the AU what will it be?

*The smaller Sans stares down for a few seconds and thinks about it for a bit..*

*Something simple...easy to remember...*

Gene: Gene. I will be called seems easy. Just don't call me Wolfie please?

Horrify: Why? Aren't you a Wolfie?

Gene: Yes. Just I don't want to be referred to as that..(Yet. Wait..what am I thinking?)

Dusty: Ok "Gene" how have you killed your Frisk? That is your "AT LEAST" requirement if you are here. Well..or the great desire to.

Gene: How did I kill Frisk?

*To Gene this seemed like an extremely personal question..*
*Like the ones for a password for an account..*

*Or who was someone's lover from a random stranger..*

*But there is a hint of an urge to..gloat about brag about...killing Frisk..*

*As if it was the best Achievement one will get*

Gene: I don't want to talk about it right now. After all, it was just recent when I killed them.

*Dusty sighs just hearing this before slapping Gene on the back playfully*

Dusty: Come on man! At least tell me how long it took ya!

Gene: Well, not that long surprisingly. I expected them to put up a fight like Undyne or at least last as long as her.

*Dusty looks at Gene with a bit of interest*

Gene: But they just kept dodging and dodging. I don't know why but they just made me angrier.

Dusty: Well the dodging makes sense to be angry ov-

Gene: Oh no I mean the sparing. That made me mad! Sorry if I didn't say. I wanted them to just fight. I am fighting. Why not fight back?

Dusty: *Chuckles* You sound like an Undyne.

*Horrify looks up from bandaging himself at the name Undyne*

*Dusty sees this and reassures him that they were talking about a different Undyne*

*Horrify sighs and goes back to bandaging before realize there is no longer a wound*


*Dusty finally gets up and stretches*

*His yawn echoes throughout the Castle before he speaks*

Dusty: I am gonna go take a nap. Waiting for the Boss to get ready bores me. Yo Horrify, gonna nap?

Horrify: Nah. You go.

*He seems to be fixed on his arm instead..*

*How..? He asked himself*

*I am supposed to be bleeding still...but how is it already all patched?*

*These questions floated in his mind that he didn't notice Dusty mention dinner to him and Gene*

*Gene finally gets off the couch only to be shoved back in it by a bone*

*Dusty has already gone to his room*

*Horrify stares at Gene*

Horrify: What did you do to me?


(868 words)

I have this saved. Here ya go.

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