Chapter 4: Smothered Light

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Outside the AU somewhere in the Nightmare Castle....

*Nightmare sits on a chair and stares at a viewing portal that displays WolfGene!Sans walking after blasting the Fox*

Nightmare: *slightly surprised* Wow. He showed no Mercy to that fox. *Smiles* Perfect. *Slight curiosity* But what about with other Monsters? Or even a human? So far, he hasn't killed the human once. *serious* I got to have him at least kill the human before going to introduce myself. 


Nightmare: *Still focused on the scenery* Come on in.
Killer: *While opening the door* Hey Nightmare. It would be pretty knife if I could go out for a bit? I am getting tired of torturing the Swap Papyrus. Also, why keep the guy? He isn't gonna join us, and all he thinks about is his brother.
Nightmare: Oh yeah. *Turns around* I forgot we still have that guy around. *Looks to the side for a bit* *looks back at Killer* Do you wanna put him back? Right now I dunno why we still have him.
Killer: I would kill him but I don't want Horrify getting all bloody again. Soo...

*Both are silent for a few minutes until something broke the silence*

???: AHHHHHHH!!!

*Nightmare and Killer stare at the door then back at another*
*Both of their expressions fall flat*

Nightmare & Killer: Dusty. *And run down the hall*

*They are both greeted with something they both didn't expect*
*Horrify is hugging Dusty*
*Based off the height of Horrify it leaves Dusty dangling in the air*

Dusty: Let me GO!
Horrify: No.
Dusty: LET GO!
Horrify: But you needed a hug. Also, you took something of mine.
Dusty: WHAT IN THE HECK would I take Horrify?! TELL me right now. What would I take?
Horrify: My will to hate you.
Dusty: What?!
Horrify: I am sorry for punching you.
Dusty:*Confused expression* Um.. I forgive you?
Horrify: *Squeezes harder* Thanks!
Dusty: HRGK. *Airy* Horrify! I can't breathe!
Horrify: *Still at same strength* I am so glad you forgive me! Now I get to do something else.
Dusty:*Still airy* What?
Horrify: I can now get you to hate me again!
Nightmare: Horrify, put Dusty down. At that rate you're going to-


*Nightmare stares in shock*
*His shock turns to anger..*
*..his tentacles picks up Horrify and prys Dusty out of the grasp*
*One holds Horrify while the other carefully brings Dusty to Nightmare*

Nightmare: *A hint of Worry* Are you alright Dusty?
Dusty: *Holding his side where a few ribs shattered* *Strained* You wanna know if I am alright?*Angrily* I JUST GOT MY RIBS SHATTERED ***HOLE! Do I look ALRIGHT to YOU?!

*Nightmare begins to laugh*
*His laughter got louder..and louder*
*He picks up Dusty and Stares him intensely*
*Dusty cries out in pain at the sudden movement*

Nightmare: Be grateful that I actually bothered to ask. I could've just allowed him to deal more damage on you instead you know.
Dusty:... *Looks at Horrify who fell asleep in the grasp of Nightmare* *Looks back at Nightmare* Sorry Boss.
Nightmare: *His expression softens a bit* Just don't underestimate my share of kindness.

*Carries Dusty toward the medical area* *Drops Horrify* *Calling out to the others* I'm going to help Dusty heal. No funny business while I'm gone, alright?
*Nightmare stops and turns around*

Nightmare: Oh and also! *Points a tentacle at Killer* Killer you watch Horrify.
Killer:*looks up at the smiling Sans* Uh. Sure.

*Horrify looks down at Killer!Sans "happily"*
*Killer Checks Horrify out of Curiousity*

*Horrify: AU: HorrorTale
*Chaotic, eats anything, likes to play around but takes things too far*
*HP: 9000/9000 DEF: 4500/4500 ATK: 900*
*Weapon of Choice: Double-Sided Axe*

*If Killer knew any better he would have not let Horrify turn against Dusty for fun*
*Killer knew this was partially his fault at most*
*But he doesn't care enough about Dusty*
*He doesn't feel emotion to care enough to help Dusty out of Compassion or Kindness*
*Deep inside a candle is still flickering trying to re-ignite emotion in the emptiness of his Apathy*
*The candle that Nightmare refuses to allow to burn...*
*..he proceeds to smother this kind light..*
*..making it dark once more*

Back inside the AU: WolfGene...

*You are currently fighting Undyne by running away*

Frisk: Stop chasing me please! I wanted to just talk Undyne! *Dodges a spear that flew over her head* Also, forgot to tell you! Nice Hair!
Frisk: Huh? *Slows down pace to look around*

*You notice that you've reached the Hotlands*

Clank Clunk Clatter

*You spin around and see that Undyne has fallen*

Frisk: Oh no! I shouldn't have slowed down! I need to help her!
Chara: We're in the Hotlands Frisk! We can't help her here. All you can find here is-
Frisk: Water!
Chara: Exactly- wait..NO! Fire! Lava not-
Frisk: *Runs to the water dispenser* Look! *Grabs a cup and fills it to the brim* I can save them!
Chara: But she is going to kill you! Have you forgotten that she was attacking you? *Knocks Frisk's head* Hello? Chara to Frisk!
Frisk: It's better to help and die doing a kind gesture, than to let another die out of fear.

*You pour the cup of water onto the head of Undyne*


*You do this another time just in case it wasn't enough*

Undyne: Ugh...*Opens eye* helped me? Why? You're a *gets up* Human. You're supposed to be cruel.
Frisk: Well, then I'll be the first to show kindness to a Monster now, will I?
Undyne: *Smiles* AHAHA! I kinda like ya. But don't think this will be our last encounter though.
Frisk: *Smiles back* Hm. Well, right now I am on my journey to do 2 things. The main one for now is to free your people from the Underground. I hope you will allow me to pass through here to fulfill it?
Undyne: I am not fully sure if that is what you want to do. I'll let you off the hook for now. No funny business alright? *Turns around* See ya later uh..
Frisk: Frisk! My name is Frisk. I am Frisk the Human.
Undyne: How bout Frisk the Untouched? Has a better ring to it.
Frisk: Hmm.. I like it! See you later Undyne the Huntress!
Undyne: Huntress? Hm. I'll take it. See ya! *Runs off back to Waterfall*

*It was 5 minutes till you decide to walk on deeper into the Hotlands*
*Preyson peeks out of Your bag*

Preyson: Quack?
Frisk: Don't worry the danger is over.
Preyson: (Danger? What danger) Quack? *Faces Chara* (Did you know? I was asleep.)
Chara: How can you sleep through all of that Sonny?
Preyson: *Tilts head* Quack. (I dunno. At least I already Duck-ed and Covered!)
Chara: *Angry then into laughter* You little PRICK! YOU are just like SANS! "Duck-ed and Covered" HAHAHA!
Frisk: Seems like you are having fun now. Welp we should keep heading forward now.

*You keep moving forward and encounter 2 Guards...*


Back to Sans...

Undyne: What are you doing over here Sans? Aren't you still supposed to be back at your other post?
Sans: I dunno? But my pet has went missing so I am going to look for him in the Hotlands. I believe I am hot on the trail. Also, what were you doing over at the Hotlands either way? Don't you shrivel into a sad cooked shrimp? I can give you pointers on how to properly do it.

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