Chapter 5: Frisk the Untouched

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Temmie: Hoi! What are you doing here?
Sanny: Temmie! What are you doing here? Can't you tell I am doing a narration?
Temmie: But I wanted to know what this place is! Also, Flower left.
Sanny: Well... I call it the Canvas. The place where it all begins. It actually is a really beautiful thing. It reminds me of the Anti-Void actually but instead acts like the room Ink goes to. You see it starts- wait! Why am I telling a Temmie?


Sanny: Oh'll be mad if I didn't.
Temmie: What is Chapter 5? Why is it blank?
Sanny: Cuz I was in a road block alright? But try reading it now.
Temmie: Frisk the Untouched? What does that mean?
Sanny: This...let me tell you about Frisk the Human for a bit ok?
Temmie: OK!

*I wave my hand and a visionary portal opens and rewinds to 2 years before the Fall*


*Frisk stands in front of the Orphanage with sadness and fear*
*The Orphanage towers over her giving her the chills*
*She tries to feel anything but the sadness and fear that is overcoming her*


Frisk's M: She is being a pain already Andrew!
Frisk's D: What else am I supposed to do? She's just a child! You can't change her mind on what she believes! If she wants to be both it's fine.
FM: It is unnatural! Also, she keeps talking about those stupid beings! Monsters? Really? What do you teach her!? That they are friendly beings? They are DESPICABLE BEINGS Andrew! Have you seen what she drew? *Picks up a drawing of a bunny selling Ice Cream* THIS IS ABSURD! Why can't she just be normal!?
FD: So what if she has a sweet imagination about them. Also, there is a chance that they have changed due to time. Plus, that is a harmless picture of a fictional character she made up. *Gestures lightly at Frisk* Abby just look at her. She isn't doing anything wrong. She is a good kid. I will support what she believes. If Silva wants to be called Frisk and be both then let her be.
FM: You have 2 choices right now Andrew. Stay with me and fix your abomination of a daughter or leave me behind and keep that abomination.

*The Father looks at his daughter then looks back at the Step-Mother*
*His face scrunches then..*


FM: You're making a HUGE mistake Andrew! She is not worth anything at all you hear me? DO YOU HEAR ME!?

*The Step-Mother is holding her luggage as the bus arrives*
*Andrew is holding onto his child in comfort with JUSTICE*

FD: I won't let anything happen to you "Frisk", did I say that right?
Frisk: Yes you did dad. Thank you, and sorry for ruin your chance on getting married again.
FD: *Shocked* What? *Kneels* What made you think that you were the problem? You are an angel. You aren't the problem at all. *Kisses Frisk's forehead* *Looks back at them* I will make sure that you won't receive that kind of interaction again.
Frisk: *Feels the warmth of comfort and LOVE of their father* Ok dad.

Days later...

Frisk: DAD! Dad where are you?! *Dodges* AHHH! *proceeds to run*
FD: Friisk! FRIISK! *Proceeds to push the falling pieces of wood away*

*The apartment they lived in was caught on fire*
*Frisk proceeds to search for their Father Andrew-*

Frisk: DAD!
FD: Frisk!
Frisk: *Smiles as approaching their father as he runs toward them* I'm here!

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