Chapter 8: Star Gazing

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Me. Been a while..sigh...welp at least-


Sanny. SORRY! I gotta get there fast!

Me. Don't mention it! ...Waiit.

*The running Skeleton rushes through another portal after another...*

Sanny. Now that I have my memory back I need to find him! Er-them? This would've been easier if I knew the Layout more.

*[Blank] seems to be looking for someone...but also is lost*

Sanny. Heck yeah I am! I don't know the [Blank] Tree very well. Also have you seen my comrades? No? Ok. Wow this format is weird. Or is thi-? AHH!

*Since the Skeleton broke their sight they fell through a portal into a new location and lands in a snowbank*

Sanny. UGH! I hate being cold! I think..yup I hate it. *Looks around* Why is this so familiar? Well..yes it's a Snowdin but..the air..the scent of-

*Sanny the Traveling Skeleton Jumps up startled*

*The skeleton looks like a Sans with 2 lightning bolts on his forehead and 6-point stars for eyes-*

Sanny. Don't forget my fluffy hoodie! Also I love my boots with their fluff! Also, my sweatpants with the blue stripe! Don't forget that! And I have a 3 point star with circles on my shirt! Did I forget...hmm oh yeah! My hands! MY HANDS!

*Sanny has 2 Gems, one on each hand that are a vibrant purple that seem to glow with the magic they use.*

*These Gems are the center of their palms*

*They also have dragon like wings with 6-7 souls*

Sanny. Y-ye-s-s-s. I am-m not sup-p-posed t-to be this c-col-ld. *Begins to Jog to the Hotlands* It's better over at a hotter area.

*The closer They get to hotlands the more piles of Dust flutters around and appear...*

*This begins to startle Sanny further as soon they reached Waterfall..*

Sanny. Uhh..I think I found a Geno-Line. I really want to warn the Locals. *Slows to a walk* Why does this feel more and more familiar to me?

*Cuz you know this place dude*

Sanny. I do? Then what is it?!

*Sorry bro can't tell ya.*

Sanny. Rude. WAIT! Why now did you bother talking to me?!

*Sanny looks around in anger about the Narrator speaking out of context*

Sanny. *Sticks out their tongue like a child* RUDE!



Sanny. Oh..what? Isn't this supposed to happen in Judgement hall? Why is it in WaterFall? *Proceeds to get closer to the Battle only to encounter* FRISK!

*There They laid...dead on the ground and an all bloody smiling Sans with white Irisis*

*Something clicks inside of Sanny..a memory*

Sanny. Sans? Er-Gene?

*The Sans turns to the Other and seems in a rush*

Gene. *Growling* Who are you?!


*Wow real convincing bro*

Sanny. HEY! IF YOU GOT ANY BETTER IDEAS I WOULD LOVE to hear them! *To Gene* You didn't see me dude. I am not here and..oh god wow. Was that like a one shot? Dang that was pretty good. NEVERMIND I am just going to walk you feel colder?

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