Special: Nightmare's Story: Swappy

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Edit: Image made by Malicent77

Nightmare just sits there watching as his Minions walk out of the Throne room...he stares off into a distance remembering what he did to the Swap Papyrus...



Swappy. *Continues to sit after being bruised and beaten by Killer* ....

*??? walks in quietly and shifting with the dancing shadows*

Swappy. I am not..joining...you. I just want my Sans back.

Nightmare. I know..but why? He is already at the hands of a God of Destruction. You can't get him back. Just let me take you in. You'll feel much better.

Swappy. ...No. I am not going to feel better. All I want to do is get him back. You jumped AU's why can't I? If only I cou-

*Nightmare appears in front of the Papyrus chilling the air with his glare*

Nightmare. He is gone. You won't get him back you know. Just give up. It's that simple.
Swappy. No. And I know you can travel as well...if you're not going to help me then leave me alone.

*Nightmare just sighs in disbelief before striking a blow onto the Papyrus*

Nightmare. Stop being stubborn. Why do you care for your brother that much?!
Swappy. -Spits- He is my brother. I will stop at nothing to get him back.

*Nightmare looks at him surprised and then unamused*

Nightmare. *Sigh* Heheh. Fine ya caught me. *Smiles* I will show you.

Swappy. *looks at NM* What?

Nightmare: I will show you. *Scoffs* *Opens a view-portal* See? There is your big bro.

Swappy. *Jumps up regardless of pain* Sans! *Faceplants onto the ViewPortal* Grhhh..

Nightmare. AHAHAHAAA! Oh..ahahaaa. That-that was HILARIOUS! YOU IDIOT! It's a view portal! What you tryina do? Jump through?
Swappy. Yes. *Rubs his skull* Man that hurt.

Nightmare. SO what? The beatings were pleasant? Be serious I am not letting you out of here just to save your little Sans-Hero, wannabe.

Swappy. *looks down in defeat* So there is really no way to save him is there? *Sigh* (Maybe..just maybe...)

*Nightmare looks at the Swappy awkwardly before puffing his cheeks and sighs deeply*

Nightmare. DANG it! You know your ways to guilt tripping me. Stay here. *Opens a portal* Don't move. *Walks through*

Time passes by before Swappy wakes up after an exhausted and unrelaxed nap...to hear-

Bluey: Pap? Pap! PAP wake up!

Swappy. Huh? Sans?! SANS! Haha! You're okay! *Hugs his big brother* I was so worried!

Bluey. Yes, I am fine Pap. Don't worry. How did you get here?

*The Swap Papyrus didn't answer since he was crying with joy when Nightmare finally came through the portal with a smile on their face...*

*Nightmare sees the emotional moment and scowls*

Nightmare. Alright! ALRIGHT! Stop getting all Mooshy Gooshy! It's time for the both of you to go.

*Nightmare makes a portal that seems to go to the Swap Universe of the Swaps-029*

Swappy. But Sir the Universe is corrupted well..harmed.

Nightmare. DON'T worry. I fixed it already. *Leans to Swappy and whispers* If any of this information gets out I may have to spill some blood to keep things in order..do you understand?

*The Swap Papyrus felt a chill down their spine..looks down at his Sans and back at Nightmare..*

*Nightmare Nods*

Swappy. I understand. Lets go Sans.

*The 2 Swaps-029 finally go through and Nightmare closes the portal..*

*Nightmare seems to have an unfamiliar scowl...oh..it seems to be a genuine smile..*

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