Chapter 3: Candle Lights

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It's been days since Frisk left Snowdin after telling her goodbyes...

*You look back at the town one last time and see Sans and Papyrus standing outside*
*Papyrus is waving*
*Sans is smiling while he keeps his hands in his pockets*
*Before you looked back forward you saw a glimpse of the Shade of mint glow from Sans jacket and his pupils becoming white irises*
*You turn back to see Sans again*
*He's gone*

Chara: Being creeped out already? Well that isn't all of the Underground, but I wouldn't call them creepy.

*You take in a deep breath and breathes out*
*You look forward with confidence*

Frisk: No. I am not creeped out. I am to go and set the Monsters free. I have to explore the Underground more you know before I can have a chance to help Papyrus and Sans. Plus,*looks back at the Skeleton's Household* I think he'll find out on his own.

*You finally head for Waterfall*
*Someone runs behind you*
*More of something*

???: Quack!
Frisk: *spins around* Hello?
???: Quack!

*You look down only to be greeted by Preyson*

Preyson: QUACK! Quack?
Frisk: Sonny! What are you doing here? You're supposed to be back with Sans. You know he doesn't like you leaving home.
Preyson: *Firm and Loud*Quack!

*Preyson waddles then flies onto Your head*

Frisk: Alright but stay safe alright?
Preyson: *Proud and with head high* QUACK quack.
Frisk: Forward! *Begins to march along the Path*
Chara: *In her own mind* (Why do I bother staying again? Oh yeah it was the only way to survive for now and speak to any being. *sigh* I wish Asriel was here.)

*You, Preyson, and Chara are heading towards Waterfall to encounter Undyne for the 15th time* *Due to the fact that Undyne killed you those other 12 times*
*The other 3 you realized you could finally run away*


*It's been about 6 days since You left Snowdin*
*You made a few stops to feed Preyson*
*Chara has been silent the whole time..*
*You are concerned*

Frisk: *while walking* Chara? Why are you so quiet right now?
Chara:*A tone of sadness* Oh. Um. No reason. Just not much of a talker right now.
Frisk: Chara? You sound bout we tell jokes to another, huh? How does that sound?
Chara: *Slightly cheerful* You sound like Sans. Well, I want to hear one now.
Frisk: Alright! What do you call a person with no body and no nose?
Chara: I dunno what do you call that kind of person?
Frisk: Nobody knows!
Chara: *Snickers* Ok that was a classic.

???: I know I am but what are you?

*You and Chara spin around to see a... Sans?*
*He has a grin of a friendly teddy bear*
*He wears a bold shade of blue*
*He looks like Sans..the one you know for sure*
*But there are 3 things you've noticed..*
*His hoodie is down and he's not complaining or having his seizures*
*His teeth are straight and smooth*
*He also seems less hostile since he has zero trace of a hostility bar*

Sans: Oh where are my manners? I am Sans the Skeleton. Classic. Which AU is this? I was supposed to meet a Papyrus from UnderSwap.

*Classic Sans has realized you were there instead of Chara and seems confused*

Classic: Oh sorry! I am in the wrong one. But welcome to the Underverse! I gotta go. Also, keep up the good work WolfGenes! *Shortcut/Portals away*

*You, Chara and Preyson look at another in shock and confusion*

Frisk: Underverse?
Chara: I heard only stories of a place called that but didn't actually believe it was true.It is actually a shock to see an alternate Sans right now.
Preyson: Quack! *Stares in Chara's direction* Quack!
Frisk: I think he actually sees you.
Preyson: QUACK! *Nuzzles around the air of Chara's head*
Chara: Aw man! He actually knows I am here!
Preyson: Quack! (heya!)
Chara: O_O AHHHH! *Falls onto ground* Sonny? You-You can talk?!
Frisk: *Confused* What? He spoke to you?
Preyson: Quuuack! (Eyyyuup! Been a while to notice this hasn't it Chary?)
Chara: *Shocked slight oozed expression* Hold my chips! You can actually speak to me!
Preyson: Quack-a-wack! (Well I normally can only speak to Sans. Also, did you know everything-) Quack Quack (- I see is in black and white? None of this Gray, color you say? I can see these colorful hearts though!)
Chara: Uh- heheh.
Preyson: (But you! I can see you clear as day! You are full of colors! Not black and white outlines or white with black outlines!)
Frisk: *To Chara* What is he saying?

*Chara is in shock with realizing a duck is speaking to her*
*Preyson smiles then hops into your bag and sleeps*
*You shrug and start to go back on your journey*

Back to Sans...

*Sans is currently following a human*

Sans: I am just going to see how far this kid goes this time. *Is walking right behind at a 8 yard distance* Seems peaceful this time I actually think they either A. Figured out I am the Wolf and doing that big speech again, B. Finally Gave up (never gonna happen) or C. Are trying to stalk Frisk again.

Rustle Rustle

*Sans spins around near the sound*
*Sans summons Gaster Blaster he named Gal and Blasty*
*The bush rustles again*

Rustle rustle rustle

Sans: Come out. Or I will blast you. *Revs Blasty knowing that he does the most damage and gets slightly chaotic with it* (This better be some prank. Well, I've seen better ones.)

*A fox comes out*
*Sans stays silent*
*Blasty is still around and Gal is just watching*
*The Fox blinks and-*


*Sans used blue magic to bring the fox to his face*
*They stare for a while*

Fox: (How do you do?)
Sans: What do ya want?
Fox: (Nothing much just taking a stroll around. Also, how's everything going with Pr-)

*Gore by chance ahead*

Crackle SNAP!

*The head of the fox is torn off by Sans' hand*
*Blood spilled all over the dark ground around the head of the fox*
*It's head stares at the sky with emptiness*
*And Sans just stood there....*
*The last candle of Sanity is slowly burning out in the surrounding darkness that slowly consumes Sans*

Sans: Welp I don't want him to go to waste. But he should just have left little Sonny alone. *Takes a bite on the side of the Fox exposing a lung and blood and bone* Welp time to go back to tracking Frisk.
Gal: (Wow. Rude much Sans?)
Blasty: (I didn't get my blast time!)
Sans: Guys no complaining right now. I gotta find Frisk. Also, Sonny is missing. I can smell him but I can't see him.
Gal: (AGAIN, why kill the Fox? He did nothing but greet you!)
Sans: Don't talk to me about morals right now PLEASE.
Blasty: (Can I please blast something? You promised me!)
Sans: *Looks at the head* Blast that.


*Blood splatters everywhere then disintegrates*

*Gore I believe is over*

*Sans finally goes back to following a Human*
*His candle flickers then continues to burn after the thought of the Human*
*Papyrus saw this after trying to catch up to give Frisk the forgotten spaghetti container*


(1181 words)

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