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*y/ns POV*

Okay so it has been five years since the incident with she who shall not be named. Maybe I am dramatic when I talk about her but I don't care. I pieced myself together when she left. With the help of dad and Nat of coarse. And two years after it happened Carol came back to the compound after being on long missions. She is really nice and sweet and caring. All things I failed to see when I first met her. After about a year of innocent flirting we became official. At the start she was some what of a distraction but now we are serious. I'm really happy right now.

"babe are you coming or what?" Carol whined

"can you not wait for 2 seconds my goodness" I say with a playful eyeroll

"Well sorry for wanting to spend our only day off with my girlfriend" she pleads

"just turn on the movie babe" I say while laughing.

We watched a bunch of movies and time flew by. It always does on days off.

*nobody's POV*

Nat walks into the lounge and sees y/n and Carol watching TV.

Nat:"hope I'm not interrupting your love fest but Tony wants to talk to us in the meeting room"

Y/n:"but it's our day offfff"

Carol:"she is right, can't this wait?"

Nat:"he said he wants us now guys, I'll meet you down there"

Nat leaves the room.

Y/n:"ugh what could he possibly want"

Carol:"let's go find out"

The girls share a short kiss and walk to the meeting room

They arrive and sit beside each other at the table.

Y/n:"what was so urgent?"

Tony:"what did I interrupt a date or something" he says laughing

Carol:"no just hurry and tell us"

Tony:"alright I have been in contact with tchalla"


Tony:"and he needs one of us to go out to wakanda"

Y/n:"what for?"

Tony:"they are testing new nano tech"

Carol:"what does that have to di with any of us?"

Tony:"they need someone who has worked with nano tech before. Which is why y/n will be going"

Y/n:"what? Why me? We have all worked with that tech before"

Tony:"your powers will affect how well the tech works. They can see how it works against superhuman. And you are also a genius in the field. Like your father may I add"

Nat:"I think his head just got a little bigger after saying that"

Carol and nat laugh together

Y/n:"why can't you go?"

Tony:"I need to take care of things here. Please say I can count on you y/n"

Y/n sat there for a second gathering her thoughts.

Y/n:"of course you can dad. How long will I be there for?"

Tony:"oh just six months...."

Carol and y/n:" six months?!"

Tony :"I know it's a long time honey but they need your help:"

Y/n:" I guess it's okay"

Y/n let's out a big sigh and all the team leaves the room except for her and Carol.

Carol:"it's okay y/n"

Y/n:" no I don't wanna leave you"

Carol:"ill be okay y/n, you have to do this don't worry about me babe"

Y/n:"but what-"

Carol:"zip it. Come one ill help you pack. You have got an early flight."

The two girls walk back to y/ns room to pack for the journey ahead.

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