Old Man

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*nobody's POV *

It was now 2 days till the wedding. Everything was sorted and all the wedding plans were made. The venue was picked, the invitations were sent out and the food was chosen. Y/n and Wanda were getting more eager each day.

The girls are currently in the kitchen making breakfast for the whole team.

Y/n:"2 more days princess! You ready?"

Wanda:"I really am, oh I can't wait!"

Y/n walks up to Wanda who is at the stove cooking and y/n wraps her arms around wandas waist and places her head on wandas shoulder

Y/n:"I love you so much" she kisses wandas cheek

Wanda:"I love you too baby" she smiles wide

Shuri:"ewww keep it for the honeymoon" she jokes and the girls jump from the sudden loud voice

Y/n:"yeah yeah whatever" she playfully rolls her eyes

Shuri:"y/n your dad said to join him in the lab after breakfast "


When breakfast was finished y/n helped wanda clean up and then she headed to the lab

She quietly walks in to see Tony sitting down at his desk

Y/n:"I have been summoned" she says in a low voice messing

Tony:"hey honey I just wanted to talk"

Y/n/"everything alright?" she sits down beside him

Tony:"I just wanted to say how proud I am of you. You have grown up to be this ridiculously strong woman. I would say you are like me but you're not, you are much better. Not only are you a perfect avenger, you are an amazing person with a kind soul. Now it's 2 more days until you're not my little girl anymore, which hurts but I am so happy for you sweetheart. So I was wondering if you wanna spend the day with your old man? "

Y/n:" of coarse I do dad! That's sounds amazing" she hugs him and stands up
"lemme just tell Wanda and I will be right back"

Tony:"no problem honey"

Y/n runs out of the room and finds Wanda in the kitchen

Y/n:"hey babe, is it okay if I spend the day with my dad?"

Wanda:"babe why are you asking me?! Go have fun and ill see you later, I love you"

Y/n:"I love you too" she runs back to the lab

Tony:"well that was quick"

Y/n:"alright what are the plans for the day"

*y/ns POV *

Me and dad left the compound soon after I came back to the lab. He won't tell me where we are going but I don't mind. The excitement on his face makes me feel so happy

Without realising, we haven't spent much time together over the past few years. He was always working and I just grew up.

We were driving for like an hour until he parked. I looked up and saw the sign.

Y/n:"bowling?! We haven't been in years!!" I say with joy

Tony :"hope you haven't got rusty"


We always used to go bowling together. We had friendly competitions which I always won. Only because dad let me win. I knew he let me win but I never told him, he always looked so happy when he saw how excited I was to win.

We get out of the car and walk inside. We pay admission and are directed to our lane.

Y/n:"you sure you're ready old man?" she winks

Tony:"ohhhh watch your tone young lady, you are not ready for this"

We played for 2 hours and we were tied. It was now my turn. I walk up with my ball and throw it forward.

Y/n:"STRIKE HA BEAT THAT!" I say in his face

He grabs his ball and slowly approaches the lane. He throws his ball forward and it slowly rolls to the pins and knocks all but 2 down.

Tony:"damn it!" he joyfully remarks and playfully slaps his knee

I smile to myself knowing he could have easily won.

Y/n:"hey no hard feelings dad, you might win someday" I smirk

Tony:"yeah yeah, let's go I have another surprise"

Another? What could it be?

We get back into the car and drive for like 30 mins until he takes this small dirt road

Y/n:"this doesn't even look like a road" I say with my eyebrows raised

Tony:"trust the process"

We pull up to this big house. It is beautiful. A traditional kinda house with a porch and a huge garden.

Tony:"okay let's get out"

We step out of the car and walk towards the door.

Y/n:"why are we at some random house?"

Tony:"it's not a random house. It's yours, well yours and wandas. Consider it an early wedding present" he smiles

Oh my fucking god. He bought us a house. A beautiful one at that. Its perfect. He is perfect

Y/n:"dad I can't except this it is too much i-"

Tony :"you can and you will, you guys deserve it but I just hope it's to your liking"

Y/n:"of coarse it is dad, it's gorgeous, I love it, I love you so much thank you"

Tony:"I love you too kid" he kisses my forehead

Best dad ever

I imagine the house to be like wandas at the end of wandavision <3

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