I Knew It

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*nobody's POV *

Steve run towards thanos and starts fighting. He deflects most of thanos' punches but is soon launched the side.

Tony flies in the air and attacks him from there. Nat then runs to him and uses her electric staffs to electrocute thanos who is distracted with Tony.

This makes thanos fall to the ground and he goes to grab Nat when y/n charges in front of her and grabs his arm.

Y/n kicks thanos, with his arm still trapped in hers. He slips out of her hands and hits her but she barely moves. She then uses her power to lift him up in the air and bring him down to make him hit the ground.

Thor then uses his hammer to send electricity waves throughout the ground to hit thanos and he screams in pain.

Meanwhile the other avengers

Clint, Scott, rocket and Bruce are all still at what's left of the compound. They are fighting off the soldiers thanos had released.

Clint finds the gauntlet with the stones and his currently trying to get them to safety all whilst fighting off the creatures.

Back to the fight

Steve gets back up and continues to fight thanos. Nat runs up to hit his back but thanos turns around and picks her up. He throws her to the side with great strength.


Y/n uses her powers to catch Nat in the air and place her down gently. Nat stays down to catch her breath.

With Steve also distracted with Nat thanos slices Steve's arm with his sword and kicks him a few feet away.

Tony flies down but thanos grabs his arm and hits him against the ground multiple times. Eventually he throws him away from him.

Thor charges at thanos and hits him with his hammer sending him backwards. Thanos soon gets up and hits Thor making him drop his hammer. Thanos then pins Thor against a rock continuously hitting him in the face brining him closer o unconsciousness.

Y/n goes to run towards thanos but is suffocated by his soldiers on top of her.

Thanos is slowly pressing his sword into thors chest whilst chuckling to himself.

Then out of no where thanos is hit by something flying in the air. He falls to the side and looks around him.

His eyes fall upon the sudden explosion where y/n once was. All the soldiers that had surrounded her were blasted away leaving y/n standing and electric waves surrounding her.

Thor:"I knew it"

Y/n wielded the hammer sending waves to thanos that made him groan in pain. She runs towards him and uppercuts his face sending him flying into the air. Thanos falls to the ground.

Y/n looks past him to see the hundreds of soldiers slowly approaching. With all the team injured, y/n tightens her grasp on the hammer and is ready to fight.

Over comms:"y/n are you there?"

Y/n:"what?" she says out of breath "

Sam:" it's sam"

Y/n almost feels like fainting.

Quickly after that these portals staring opening behind her. She looks in awe as all of the avengers walk through. She sees Sam, bucky, people from wakanda, even warriors from asgard.

Y/n:"you guys are here"

Nat, Tony, Steve and Thor quickly get up and stand being y/n.

They all then go to stand with all of the avengers to get ready to fight.

Tony:"is this everyone?"

Strange:"you wanted more?"

Steve:"avengers...... Assemble"

Everyone then began running towards thanos' army. Everyone was fighting off the soldiers.

All the avengers who were trapped in the compound then emerged to join the fight.

Clint was still running trying to guard the stones.

Tchalla:"Clint! Give it to me"

Clint hands it to tchalla and they go separate ways.

While y/n was fighting she still kept her eyes out for Wanda.

She went to run from soldiers and was met with thanos. He went to hit her with the sword but was stopped by this red magic. Wanda.

Wanda :"not so fast"


Wanda lifts thanos in the air and begins removing his armour with her powers. Thanos then shouts.

Thanos:"release the troops"

Then thousands of soldiers join the fight and missiles are coming from the air. Wanda then launches thanos far away from the girls.

Wanda:"y/n" she says out of breath

Y/n:"I am never leaving your side again"

Wanda:" I can't argue with that" she smirks and y/n rolls her eyes

The girls then start fighting side by side, and never being more than a few feet from each other.

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