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*nobody's POV*

Over the next few days all was normal. Wanda and y/n spent time together as usual. Everyone hung out like normal and there was missions also going on.

It was now 2 weeks till the wedding. Steve, Sam, Bucky, Thor and Peter were in the living room.

Sam:"so tonight?"

Steve:"it has to be tonight, the next few weeks are gonna be busy"

Peter:"so what are we doing tonight"

Bucky:"we are just gonna go to the club and have a good time"

Thor:"we don't need much to have fun around here" he laughs

Steve :"so it's sorted, we will get y/n closer to the time"

Sam:"I can't wait!"

Meanwhile Nat, Shuri, Pepper and mj are outside

Mj:"where are we going tonight?"

Pepper:"it's tonight?"

Nat:"their schedule is pretty packed after tonight"

Shuri:"we are gonna go to a club, drink a few drankssss" she starts to dance

Mj:"I can't wait" she says smiling

Nat:"we will tell Wanda closer to the time, can't giver her time to say no" she informs

It is now around 8pm and y/n and Wanda are in wandas room.

Y/n:"I'm so tired" she says while yawning

Wanda:"have you seen the girls today? I haven't talked to them all day"she questions

Y/n:"that's weird because the boys were nowhere to be seen either" she shrugged

There was a knock in the door

Y/n:"come in" she says with a raised eyebrow

The people were fighting to get in the door first

Nat:"get out of the way!"

Bucky:"no I was here first!" he whines

Nat:"I swear to god"

They both fell through the door onto the ground

Wanda:"fancy seeing you guys here" she joked

Bucky:"y/n you are coming with me, no questions"

Nat:"you too Wanda, you with me"

Wanda and y/n look at each other and smile

Y/n:"I guess this is goodbye for the night" she kisses Wanda on the cheek and starts to leave the room

Wanda:"bucky take care of my fiance!!" she shouted

Bucky:"no promises!" he smiles and they both leave the room

Nat:"you ready for this?"

Wanda:"of coarse not! Let's go" she breathed out

At the club

Unknown to themselves, the boys and girls ended up at the same club but just at opposite sides

As the night went on,everyone became drunk except for mj and Peter as they were underage

Both groups decided to venture out the the dance floor, still unaware of each other.

Everyone was dancing. Y/n was jumping up and down until someone bumped into her, making her spill her drink

Y/n:"hey watch it!" she turned around and caught eyes with a certain brunette

Wanda :"oh my god" she smiled

Y/n:"Well would ya look who it is guys" she gestured to the boys and the girls quickly turned around

Bucky :"how did we manage this"


Y/n:"come one let's celebrate together guys"

They all then partied alongside one another. Y/n went to the bar to get a drink for herself and Wanda. On her way back she saw Wanda being chatted up by a young man. Y/n used her super hearing to eavesdrop.

Man:"let me buy you a drink"

Wanda:"no thanks" she shrugged his hand off of her shoulder

Man:"hey I'm being nice, ill get you a drink what do you want" his hands creep down her waist and Wanda is seriously uncomfortable

Wanda:"I said no! My girlfriend is already bringing me a drink"

Man:"girlfriend! Oh you're one of those, I can fix that honey"

Wanda:"can't you just leave, you creep?"

Man:"oh honey, you need a real man to fix you-" his sentence was interupted by a fist across his face.

Y/n punched him across the face sending him to the floor holding his aching jaw.

He got up quickly and called his friends over

His friend:" what's the problem here"

Steve also heard and came over

Steve:"no problem here, unless you want one"

Then all the girls and boys stood behind y/n and Wanda, looking at the man's group.

The man then grabbed a bottle and smashed it over buckys head

Sam :"oh you shouldn't have done that"

Bucky grabbed the man and launched him into a wall. A massive fight broke out. The avengers didn't use their powers as they didn't need them. They quickly had all the men in the ground and then the bouncer came over.

Bouncer :"OUT NOW"

Peter :"you should be kicking those guys out!"

Bouncer:"what did I say kid"

Nat:"no the kid is right, maybe if you did your job there wouldn't be fights"

Bouncer:"ill call the cops" he warned

Wanda:"YEAH CALL THE COPS, WE DON'T GIVE A FUCK"  she drunkenly shouts

Y/n:"Wanda!" she says shocked and grabs her fiance

Steve:"fine we are leaving" they all start to walk out


The bouncer turns around quickly but y/n grabs Wanda and runs out, all the avengers followed her outside running also.

They ran for a few blocks until they felt like they could slow down

They stopped at a corner of a street and began laughing.

Y/n:"babe I can't believe you said that" she laughed

Nat:"didn't know you had it in ya maximoff" she winks and Wanda smiles to herself

Steve:" guys it's been a long night, we should head back"

Bucky:"you're right"

Mj:"you guys have a busy schedule ahead" she says to Wanda and y/n

Wanda:"yeah we do" she sighed

Y/n:"thanks guys for tonight"

Wanda :"it was amazing, even the brawl" she giggles

Sam:"alright let's head home"

Thor:"I really can't party like I used to" everyone laughs at him and they all head home after the long night.

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