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*wandas POV*

As I dragged y/n into the bathroom we both started stripping and I turned on the shower. We made our way in and started kissing passionately. 

Y/n:"you look gorgeous" she said in between kisses then the kisses started to trail down my jawline.

She keeps kissing until she found my sweet spot making me let out a moan. "y/n please I need you"

She picked up her pace and kissed down my body hovering over where I needed her most. She looked up at me and gave a final wink and started to pleasure me. She swiped her tongue through my slits and began sucking on my clit.

Wanda:"y/n god! "

Y/n humms against me in response sending vibrations through me, bringing me closer. She sees that I am close and says "cum for me princess"

And with that I let loose and rode out my orgasm while she cleaned me off.

Y/n:"  I am never showering alone again" she grins and I laugh.

We then shower together and clean each other up. When we got out we both started getting ready for dinner. Y/n brought her clothes into my room so we could get ready together.

*nobody's POV*

As the girls got dressed they were listening to music and singing and dancing. As Wanda was dancing like no one was there y/n couldn't help but look at her girlfriend in pure awe.

Wanda notices and she stops and starts blushing

Wanda:"what?" she asks cautiously

Y/n:"nothing I just love you so much"

Wanda:"Well I love you too, now come on get dressed"

They put on their clothes and made their way to the kitchen together. They sat with Sam and bucky, and y/n noticed Nat and Steve talking when she went in.

Y/n:"look to your right" she whispers to Wanda

Wanda looks and raises her eyebrows

Wanda :"when did that happen?" she replies and y/n shrugs in response.

All of the team sat down and they ate dinner together. They rarely spend time all together like this. While they were all drinking thor raised his glass.

Thor:"to y/n"

Everyone:"to y/n" they all sipped their drinks.

As the night grew long and everyone was tired Steve spoke up.

Steve:"I don't wanna be the party pooper but we have a mission tomorrow. Well some of us"

Bucky :"who?"

Steve:"everyone except y/n, Wanda, Nat, Peter, bucky, and Sam"

Clint:"this is bullshit" everyone started laughing

Tony:"oh come on katniss everdeen, let's get you to bed.

Before everyone went to bed we see 2 groups.

One group has y/n, Sam, and bucky

The other has Wanda, Nat and Peter

Group one:

Sam:" why did you need to talk to us? "

Y/n:" Well I need your help?"

Bucky :"OK what for?"

Y/n:"I'm gonna ask Wanda to marry me!"

The boys almost start jumping with excitement

Sam:" this is amazing"

Bucky :"we got you, what's the plan?"

Y/n:" okay since we don't have a mission tomorrow, we are going shopping"

Bucky:"alright boss we will see ya tomorrow then" and the boys leave.

Group 2:

Peter:"everything okay Wanda?"

Nat:"what's up!"

Wanda :"I am asking y/n to marry me an I need your help"

Nat:"omg of coarse"

Peter:"this is gonna be the best"

Nat:" guessing we will be shopping tomorrow?"

Wanda:"yes, this needs to be really special"

Nat:"it will be don't worry"

Wanda:"okay see you tomorrow"

Peter:"byeee" and they go their separate ways.

Wanda and y/n meet up again.

Y/n:"what are you guys upto?"

Wanda:"oh nothing, just taking Peter shopping for school clothes tomorrow, what were you and the boys talking about?"

Y/n:" oh uhh Sam wanted me and bucky to check out this new car he is getting tomorrow"

Wanda:"looks like we're are both busy"

Y/n:"looks like it! Stay the night with me to make up for it?"

Wanda:"of coarse"

And they make their way to y/ns room for the night.

Sorry for not uploading for awhile, but I'm back!

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