Party Time

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*nobody's POV*

Sam:"alright WHO IS READY TO PARTAYY" he says in excitement as the reach the reception. Y/n and Wanda look at each other and laugh

Nat:"calm down man, let's eat first" she says

Everyone takes their seats and ears their meal. The air is full with many conversations with so many people. Once the meal is finished, it was time for speeches.

Peter:"hi everyone, I'm Peter, Peter Parker! When y/n asked me to be her best man I was incredibly honoured. I have known y/n for a few years and I she is one of my closest friends. If I am being honest she is more than a friend. She cares for me like a sister, fights with me like a brother, loves me like a mother, looks out for me like a father and finally doesn't judge me like a true friend. I knew Wanda for a little while before y/n, I could tell straight away that their story wasn't just about them being friends. Their relationship blossomed into something beautiful. I am so happy for the both of you guys, no one deserves this happiness as much as you guys. I love you both and I wish you the best" he smiles at y/n.

Y/n moves closer to Peter and gives him a big hug

Y/n:"thanks Pete I love you so much"

Peter:"I love you too y/n"

Nat stands up

Nat:"alright I guess I'm up. Hey everyone I'm Nat. When Wanda approached me, asking me to be her maid of honour  I was so happy. Wanda is my best friend, and one of the first people I let myself be vulnerable with. When we first met, she was cold and reserved. It didn't take long for us to tear down eachothers walls and build this amazing friendship. When Wanda first met y/n things were difficult, Wanda wasn't the most welcoming to say the least" everyone laughs. "however y/n was persistent and finally got the little witch to open up, and by the looks of it, she also managed to get her to fall in love. You two truly deserve each other. I am in love with your relationship. The way you guys love is something from the movies honestly. I wish you guys many years of happiness. I love you two jackasses "

Wanda wraps Nat in a hug

Wanda:" this little witch is very grateful for you"

Nat:"she should be"

Wanda:"love you Nat"

Nat:"love you too wands"

Sam takes the mic

Sam:"party time, dj HIT THAT TRACK!

The music starts and everyone is dancing. All the avengers are letting loose tonight.

Tony and Clint walk up to the mic

Tony:" alright guys clear the floor, time for the father-daughter dance. It's our time to shine."

Y/n and Wanda look at each other laughing at the confidence of the two.

The floor empties and both girls meet the guys on the dance floor.

Slipping through my fingers is the song they dance to

Y/n:" ill admit dad, you are looking good" she jokes

Tony:"oh this old thing?" he smirks

Wanda:"thanks for this Clint"

Clint:"don't thank me honey, I am honoured to do this. You look stunning."

Wanda:"you think so?"

Clint:"I know so. I also know that pietro is looking down on you, and is saying" that's my sister", he would be so proud "

Wanda:" you don't know how much that means to me" she miles with a tear streaming down her cheek.

The song ends and both men leave the floor, leaving the newlyweds alone.

Nat over the mic:"now for the first dance" she smiles

As the world caves in is the song they chose

They pull one another close and begin dancing to the music.

Y/n:"ahhh so the witch can dance"

Wanda:"did you doubt me stark?" she raises an eyebrow

Y/n:"never" she smiles. "you are breathtaking, I will never get tired of looking at you"

Wanda:"I wish I could say the same"

Y/n fakes an offended look and the two start laughing.

Wanda:"I could never get tired of you my love" she winks

Y/n:"I have some news to tell you"

Wanda:"don't tell me you're already married, I don't know if I can share" she laughs

Y/n:"my dad showed me our wedding present from him a few days ago"

Wanda:"okay what is it"

Y/n:"he bought us a house a bit away from the compound. We can live our lives but also be around to help. Our life wouldn't just be the avengers. We would get to focus on us." she smiles

Wanda:"are you kidding me. Oh my. That's amazing. I can't wait baby"

Y/n:"I love you princess"

Wanda:"I love you"

The song ends and a fast paced song begins. Y/n was pulled into the crowd of people dancing by bucky.

In the meantime Wanda saw tony leave for some fresh air so she decided to follow him.

She finds him outside looking at the dim sky.

Wanda:"want some company?"

Tony:"of coarse honey, how are you, you look amazing by the way"

Wanda :"I'm good, great actually. Y/n told me about your present"

Tony:"she did? I hope you like it, you guys deserve a life of your own together."

Wanda:"thank you so much Tony, that gift is so thoughtful and really expensive so-"

Tony:"I don't wanna talk money. You can pay me back by promising to take care of my little girl"

Wanda:"you have my word Tony"

Tony pulls Wanda into a hug

Tony:"now get back in there, it is your wedding after all"

Wanda:"ill see ya in there Tony" she leaves him outside and returns to the dance floor to see y/n and thor dancing to gangnam style. Y/n sees Wanda and tries to get her to dance.

Wanda:"no way! I love you but this is too much to ask of me" she laughs

Y/n:"come on!! WANDA WANDA!"

A chant begins and all the avengers and guest recite it


Wanda:"this is so embarrassing"

She begins to dance and everyone cheers. She looks to y/n

Wanda:"I hate you" she smirks

Y/n:"oh I know" she laughs and gives Wanda a peck on the cheek.

The night was filled with dancing, fun and love. Everyone enjoyed the celebration of Wanda and y/ns love. However the night flew by and the girls had to leave for their honeymoon. Everyone went outside to bid them goodbye.

Wanda and y/n stood outside the car.

Peter :"have fun!!"

Nat:"don't do anything I wouldn't do" she laughs

Steve:"take care"

Wanda:"we will be back before you know it guys"

Y/n:"bye, love you all!"

They got into the car and drove away. They  are now venturing into the rest of their lives, together.......

The end!
Thank you so much for reading my story and coming on this journey with me.
This was my first story and I didn't expect it to do any but well.
I hope you guys enjoyed the story, and I also hope you will read my stories in the future.
Take care<3

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