The Notebook

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*nobody's POV*

As the three girls walked into the kitchen to get food they say Peter sitting alone.

Nat:"where is everyone Parker?"

Peter:"oh they all went out to get food and drinks for the party"

Wanda:"how come your here then"

Peter:"I just left them off to it"

All the girls shared a look and y/n proceeded to say

Y/n:"how does spending the day with us sound?"

Peters face lit up at the offer.

Peter:"wait really?!"

Wanda :"of coarse come on"

Wanda took him into the kitchen to get the food and y/n and Nat went to the bathroom to get face masks. They all met again in the hall.

Wanda:"instead of going back to medbay let's go to one of our rooms."

Peter:"I vote nats, hers is the biggest"

Y/n:"good call, let's go"

They all went to nats room and sat down.

Nat:"okay so what movie"

Wanda:"oooo a horror"

Y/n:"on a girls day?? Really babe?"

Wanda:"what they are really good?"

Y/n:"how about a comedy?"

Nat:"I feel like we have seen anything remotely funny these days"

Peter:"what about romance?"

The girls simultaneously turned their heads to the young boy.

Peter:"what? Me and mj watch them all the time we-"


The girls look at each other.

Nat Wanda and y/n:"mj?!"

Wanda :"spill"

Peter smiled and then spoke up

Peter:"well mj is my girlfriend. She is in my class. She is crazy smart and really cool. She doesn't care what anyone thinks and she is really funny. Her and ned get along really well. Things are going really good"

Nat:"Parker that's adorable"

Peter :"ha. Ha. Funny" he rolls his eyes

Y/n:"no seriously Pete, she sounds great we need to meet her some time"

Peter:"I would love that"

Wanda :"how come you didn't tell anyone?"

Peter:"there was bigger things going on, then the blip happened, and now this, it feels good to tell someone"

Nat:"listen Parker, if you need anyone to talk to you always have us"

Y/n:" yeah or if you just wanna hang out we are always down for that"

Peter:"thanks guys"

Wanda:" okay then Peter, what romance movie?"

Peter:"ooo the notebook"

Nat:"the notebook it is"

Nat turned in the movie and they all settled down to watch it. They spent the whole time talking about the characters and eating food. When the movie was over they moved on to face masks.

Peter:"ewe why is it so sticky" he tries to pull his face away from Wanda who uses her powers to keep him in place.

Wanda:"shhh you will thank me later"

Everyone then had their masks on.

Peter:"how long do we keep them on for?"

Y/n:"like 10 mins "

Wanda:"cmon guys let's take a selfie"

Wanda pulled out her phone and they all got in frame. Everyone let out big smiles and Wanda snapped the pic.

Nat :"okay now a funny one"

They all stuck their tongue out and Wanda took the picture again.

Y/n:"we need to get those framed"

Peter:"thanks for letting me join you guys today"

Wanda:"anytime Peter"

Y/n:"oh Time to take the masks of!"

They all took them off and threw the trash in the bin. Peter kept rubbing his face.

Peter:"woah so soft"

Wanda :"I told you"

Nat:"I love face masks"

Y/n looked at the clock.

Y/n:" guys it's 6:30,we should go get ready for dinner. Have our showers and stuff"

Nat:"you're right, alright guys, OUT OF MY ROOM"  everyone laughed

Wanda :"alright we will see you guys at dinner" Wanda and y/n left the room and Peter followed

Peter:"see ya later!"

Peter went to his room and y/n followed Wanda to hers.

Y/n:"can I just get ready in your room?"

Wanda :"of coarse babe, I can go for my shower first"

They walked in the room and y/n closed the door and locked it

Y/n:"or we could share one, you know to save water and all that?" she smirks

Wanda:"Well I am all for saving water" she winks and grabs y/ns hand to pull her into the bathroom.

Peter and his mom's content. We love to see it

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