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*wandas POV*

I am sitting here with my whole world on my lap. This is the last time I will get to see her. God she is too selfless for her own good! That's what I love most about her. Well loved I guess. I am crying so much I feel like I'm gonna throw up. What am I supposed to do now? I had just gotten her back.

I look down at her beautiful head on my lap and run my fingers through her head. She always loved when I did that.

Wanda:"I can't feel you" I whisper while crying.

I grab her hand and hold it in mine. I bring it to my face and kiss her hand with tears still streaming down my face.

While holding her hand I feel something.

Wanda :"wha- no way"

I feel her wrist again. I was right. A heartbeat. I HEAR HER HEARTBEAT.

Wanda :"GUYS GUYS COME BACK" I shout at the top of my lungs to the avengers that had traveled far from me.

I saw the look on their faces. The look of worry. Worry for me. They definitely think I am crazy. I am not crazy, y/n is alive.

*Peters POV*


We all looked at each other with worry. Poor Wanda. Y/n was her everything and now she is gone.

We all walk over to her and she looks really flustered.

Wanda:"she has a heart beat" she says breathlessly

Tony:"listen honey, I want that to be as true as you do but I don't think she does." he says with tears in his eyes

Wanda:"no trust me"

Then it happened. I had goosebumps all over my arms. I sense her heart beat.

Peter:"no Wanda is right"

Everyone looks at me.

I run over and grab y/ns hand to check her wrist

Peter:"holy crap, she is alive"

Everyone lifts their heads with confusion but also hope

Thor:"we need to get her somewhere safe"

Shuri:"I think I know somewhere"

All the avengers then go into quinjetd and made their way to wakanda.

Wanda refused to leave y/ns side the whole journey.

When we landed we all ran to the medbay, where they layed y/n on a bed. Y/n was hooked up to wires and injected with god knows what. She looked so weak.

*nobody's POV"

Bruce got working on y/n immediately and shuri joined. They spent a few hours in the medbay with Wanda not leaving the room for a single minute.

Nat approaches Wanda.

Nat:"come on Wanda, you need to rest"

Wanda:"I will rest when she is okay"

Nat:"she will wands"

Wanda:"I will believe that when I see it"

Nat frowns and walks away from Wanda.

Wanda looks to Bruce and shuri and notices that they have stopped working.

Wanda:"why have you stopped" she asked worryingly

Bruce :"there is nothing more we can do"

Wanda:"what the fuck does that mean" she shouts.

Shuri:"don't worry, she is in a coma and we have to wait for her to wake up"

Wanda begins to calm down.

Wanda:"when will she wake up"

Bruce:"we don't know, for now we just wait"

Bruce and shuri left Wanda alone in the room to go tell the rest of the team.

Wanda sits on a chair near y/ns bed and holds her hand. She begins soflty crying.

Wanda:"please wake up. It hurts seeing you like this. I want to see your smile, I want to watch your favourite movies, I wanna have a sitcom marathon with you, I'll even cook with you again. I just need you, here, with me."

Her head drops and she continues crying.

Tony then enters the room and Wanda immediately wipes off her tears in an attempt to look normal.

Tony :" don't worry its just me, I told the rest to wait until tomorrow to see her. I figured you wanted alone time"

Wanda:"I just need her to wake up"

Tony:"we all do wands, but y/n is strong. She is stubborn and will definitely not let death get ahold of her"

He begins chuckling and Wanda joins him.

Wanda :"you're right"

Tony starts to leave.

Tony:"make sure to get some rest, y/n wouldn't want you suffering"

Wanda :"don't worry about that, I'm good here honestly"

Tony:"alright then, night Wanda"


Wanda then gets comfortable on the chair for the long night ahead of waiting for y/n to wake up....

SIKE as if I would kill y/n HA

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