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*nobody's POV*

It was currently one week until the wedding. Y/n and Wanda have been pretty busy with the wedding details. It was now the day they where both girls shop for their wedding day out fits. However, beforehand they both agreed to tell the people they wanted to be maid of honour and best man.

Y/n informed jarvis to beckon them to the training room. Jarvis agreed and notified them immediately. Y/n grew nervous and she didn't know why. They can hardly say no??

Y/n is quietly sitting on the floor until they walked in.

"you called?"

Y/n:"yeah I need to tell you something, well more like ask you" she says lowly

"is everything okay?" they sit down

Y/n:"I don't know why but I feel kinda emotional doing this. Ugh okay! You mean a lot to me and I was just wondering if you would be my best man for the wedding. I would love for you to be by my side"

Y/n was quickly engulfed in a hug.

Y/n:" wait is this a yes? " she questions

" of coarse its a yes! I am truly honoured y/n. I won't let you down"

Y/n:"I know you won't Peter" she smiled


Wanda decided to leave a note for her person to meet her outside. Wanda was sitting on a bench looking at the trees until a hand touched her shoulder

"everything okay?"

Wanda :"I have something important to say"

"okay now I am nervous" they let out a soft chuckle

Wanda:"I want you to be my maid of honour. You have always been there for me and I am so grateful for you. It would make me so happy for you do be up there with me" she smiles

"Wanda, you don't know how happy I am right now. Of coarse I will, you mean so much to me too"

Wanda:"I love you Nat"

Nat:"I love you too wands"

They share a loving hug.

Wanda pulls away and looks at Nat

Wanda:"I just have one more person to talk to" she gets up leaving Nat confused

Wanda walks throughout the compound until she stands outside the door.

She waits a few seconds until she has the courage to knock


"come in"

She opens the door and peaks her head in.

Clint:"hey wands, what's up?"

Wanda:"I need to talk to you"

He motions for her to sir beside him

Clint:"are you okay honey?"

Wanda :"I'm fine I just need to ask you something"

Clint :"listen I know I would look good in a dress but I can't be the maid of honour" he jokes and they both laugh which eases wandas nerves

Clint:"okay but seriously go ahead"

Wanda:"you have been amazing the time I have spent with you. Always looking out for me, caring for me, basically just putting up with me. You mean so much to me and I was wondering if you would give me away" she looks at Clint who now has tears in his eyes

Clint:"are you shitting me maximoff ?"

Wanda:"no Clint, you're like a father to me" she now has tears in her eyes

Clint:"I would be honoured Wanda. I see you like my own daughter and you have grown up to be such an amazing woman. I am so proud" the both share a hug and let out a gentle cry

Wanda :"thanks Clint"

Clint:"I love ya kid" he kisses her forehead

Wanda:"I love you too"

Wanda gets up and walks back to y/ns room. Y/n is lying on the bed reading and puts her book down when her fiance walks in.

Wanda:"how did Pete take it?"

Y/n:" he was so happy babe! What about Nat?"

Wanda:"you should have seen her face baby"

Y/n:" did you ask Clint?"

Wanda:"I did, he said yes!" she smiles wide

Y/n grabs wanda and pulls her onto the bed and hugs her

Y/n:" so happy for you babe" she plants a soft kiss on wandas lips

Wanda:" one nore week untill you're mine forever" she smirks

Y/n:" let's face it I have always been and will always be yours" she smiles

Y/n looks at the clock

Y/n:"shit it's already 12pm"

Wanda :"time to go shopping! See you later baby" she kisses y/ns cheek

Y/n:"have fun princess!"

And they both part ways

Author here!
Sorry for not uploading in awhile, just haven't had the motivation and I didn't wanna write something terrible just for the sake of it

And I tried to keep the people a secret when telling the maid of honour and best man for a bit of fun!!

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