Soldier Salute

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*nobodys POV*

As the avengers continued fighting, they also were still trying to safekeep the gauntlet. Tchalla couldn't guard it anymore and handed it to Peter.

Peter held onto it for awhile until he was bombarded with soldiers crushing him.

Y/n:"hey Peter!"

Y/n threw the hammer and Peter shot his Web at hit. The Web stuck on and pulled Peter out of the mess.

Peter then landed in front of y/n.

Peter:"y/n" he said relieved

Y/n:"I believe you have something for me?"

Peter:"I don't know how you are gonna get it through all that" he said reffering to thanos ' large army slowly approaching behind them.

Wanda:"don't worry"

Nat:"she's got help"

Valkyrie:"let's do this"

Suddenly all the female avengers has gathered together to face the army. They was mini fights going on in every direction.

Y/n was walking ahead and was met with thanos.

Thanos:"I believe that's mine"

Y/n:"uh uh, I can't just hand it over, you gotta win it" she taunts

Y/n throws the gauntlet to Wanda and stands ready to challenge thanos.

Thanos and y/n both battle it out for awhile until y/n sees Wanda struggling against soldiers.


Thanos then kicks y/n away and makes his way over to Wanda.

Wanda uses her powers to force thanos back but in time thanos breaks the forcefield she had put up. Y/n was slowly making her way over as she had sustained serious injuries.

Thanos then picked Wanda up and threw her at y/n bringing them both to the ground.

Thanos puts the gauntlet on

Thanos:"Well look at that, a perfect fit"

Tony then emerged and hit thanos in the head. Tony grabbed his arm in hopes to stop him from snapping.

Thanos grabbed Tony by the neck and choked him until he couldn't breath. He then dropped him to the ground and Tony gasped harshly for air.


Thanos then started to bring his fingers close together but his actions were halted fue to y/n holding his fingers apart. Y/n had run over when thanos was distracted.

Thanos punches y/n in the head but she doesn't flinch. Her powers are almost overpowering her own body due to her rage. She kept pulling at the gauntlet trying to pull it off however thanos managed to pull her off him and push her away.

Thanos:" I am inevitable "

And he snapped his fingers...... But all that  was heard was the sound of the gauntlet being hit gently. The empty gauntlet. Thanos turned his hand around to see that the stones were missing.


He then turns to y/n, who is kneeling on the ground with power surging through her veins. She then lifted up her hand to show the stones had been placed on her own suit.

Tony :"y/n no!" he looked at her with worry.

Nat:"stark don't even think about it!"

Wanda:"baby please no" she begins crying. She runs over to y/ns side.

Y/n:"it's okay. I love you so much, we will say hello again"

Wanda:"I love you"

Y/n then snapped her fingers and fell to the ground in pain but still breathing. Barely breathing.

Suddenly all of thanos' army began vanishing and turning to Ash. And lastly thanos himself dissappeared.

All the avengers walked over to where y/n was laying. Wanda was holding y/ns head in her lap.

Peter walked over to y/n

Peter:"we did it y/n, we did it" his head dropped as he started crying and Steve pulled him away gently.

Nat :" I love you y/n" she kisses y/ns forehead and walks away.

Tony kneels beside y/n.

Tony :"its okay y/n, you can rest now" he starts crying.

Everyone stands there in silence for a few minutes then turn to leave.

Steve gives y/n one look and gives her a 'soldier salute' and turned to leave, leaving wanda alone with y/n to grieve.

Um so yeah.... Hehe he... Sorry besties

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