Ch 16: Reckless choices

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Aedion hadn't been at dinner the night before.

He'd left word with Katram stating that he had urgent business to attend to, effectively avoiding Ella and her prodding questions.

At first, she'd thought his evasions were due to Aedion attempting to irritate her, but their last exchange had proved his reservations were based on something solid. He had a motive to hide it from her. Thus, Ella was up at the crack of dawn –as she usually was– intent on finding Aedion and seeing if she could coax at least some information out of him. He'd said he was going to bring her brother and the anticipation was killing her, as well as a multitude of unanswered questions that reverberated in her mind.

It was near the last corridor that she began to hear voices. She frowned as she neared the grand staircase leading to the entry, where the voices gradually began to grow clearer.

"Where is she? I want to see her."

"Please? Thank you? A simple 'good morning' would suffice. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were raised in a barn," Aedion drawled.

"I'm not in the mood to play games, Eagan. I want to see her. I swear, if--"

"Gidden!" Ella called out, nimbly making her way down the grand staircase, clutching at the excess fabric of her dress.

Gidden turned to face her, his handsome face a brew of agitation and relief. "Ella!" he took a step forward and enveloped her frame into a tight embrace, lifting her against his chest. She let out a surprised huff of breath as the scent of soap and pine surrounded her, but she threw her arms around him as well and smiled.

Ella was not one for overt displays of affection, rather, she usually made do with shoulder pats or the occasional hand squeeze. And although she was slightly awkward in receiving affections, she found herself comforted by Gidden's familiar presence, relieved even.

"I was worried sick, Gods. I thought I was going to go mad," he murmured into her temple. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" He pulled back slightly to peer into her face, searching for any harm. Ella blushed furiously at their proximity.

"I'm fine, really. Everythings alright," she mumbled as he set her down on her feet.

"I'm sorry, I was just very upset," Gidden exhaled, a frown marring his handsome face. He pulled her into a hug once again and lowered his head to place a light kiss on her temple. Ella's heart beat violently, face crimson up to the roots of her hair.

"Gods have mercy, what is this distasteful display? And so early in the morning, I might upheave my breakfast," Aedion said with a look of revulsion. "Really Wen, I knew you were dramatic, but Cereal boy over here takes the whole biscuit! Acting as if you were tossed out into the Barren Lands."

Gidden turned to glare at Aedion, the frown on his face replaced with a tense jaw and hard eyes. He took a step back from Ella but kept her hand wrapped up in his. 

"As I was saying, right before you two started your little theatre show, she's clearly fine," he smiled contemptuously and gestured a hand towards Ella. "See, not a hair harmed on her little blonde head."

Gidden clenched his jaw, his hand squeezing hers a little tighter. He turned to face Ella again, apparently deciding to ignore Aedion. Aedion's was, as usual, arrogant and indolent. But Ella didn't miss the slight, rapid movements of his tail.

"What happened? You weren't in your room and we searched all over for you. Then, a few days later Thistle came running, scared out of his mind. He had your satchel on his saddle and I knew that something had happened." Gidden pushed back his hair with a large hand. His eyes looked tired and dark. Not for the first time, guilt made her stomach clench. 

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