Ch 54.2: Through roses, thorns and time

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Callan had called upon Ella three times since the events with Grayson had taken place. He'd personally gone looking for her twice as well.

It wasn't that Ella was avoiding him, it's just that-- Alright, she was. Shameful, but true. In all honesty, she was reluctant to meet with him after all that had happened. She didn't have it in her to show her face. Yet, she knew he was owed some sort of explanation.

Deciding it was high time to face Callan, Ella finally made her way to his study. She tugged on her lip thoughtfully, as she walked down the quiet halls of the castle.

As she approached, she was met by an eerily familiar scene. Harsh voices and hushed tones, barely suppressed anger. She stopped in her track, wide eyes trained on the doors of the study.

She would have recognised the voices from an ocean away.

"--I am sick of it. Sick of covering up for you. I just can't do it anymore."

"Calm yourself. I have not asked that of you, I would never. It is my responsibility, and mine alone."

"It doesn't matter if you did or didn't. You knew I would anyway. I would never betray you but--" the voice cut off, a rough exhale breaking free. "I can't do it anymore, Callan. I can't. It's not fair."

Ella waited with bated breath, her heartbeat loud in the quiet of the hallway. Finally, Callan sighed wearily.

"I know. I know perfectly well. I am truly sorry to have put you in this position. But know that I will remedy it. Like I should have much time ago."

"Just... fix it."

She didn't have time to do anything but stare at the doors in surprise, before they opened and out stalked Aedion, grim expression marring his usually composed features.

It melted away as soon as he saw her, his face flashing with surprise and then, something odd and hard to read. It was gone in a second, replaced by his usual aloofness.

"Wen," he said in a rough, somewhat clipped tone, inclining his head.

"Alright there?" she said mildly. "Don't tell me, let me guess, you've burnt yourself on tea again. Would explain the screeches." She scanned him up and down, but he was still. Hands stuck in his pockets, refusing to meet her probing gaze.

"How ever did you guess?" he deadpanned. "No, I've just had a very busy day. Lots of work, you know. My aide has been slacking off."

"You should report her. Terribly unprofessional behaviour."

There was something so wrong about seeing him this way. Guarded. Uncomfortable. Unreadable. It was even more disturbing after hearing how worked up he'd been. Aedion never acted this way. It made her skin prickle.

"Aedion..." She took a step forward, lifting a hand.

"I should go." He sidestepped her, still not meeting her gaze. "I'd love to stay and chat, darling, but Callan is waiting for you. You shouldn't keep him waiting. Gods know he gets all peevish otherwise, crotchety old man that he is." With that, he left, not turning around once.

Ella's hand fell by her side, where she clenched the material of her dress briefly. She swallowed thickly and nodded to herself, sighing.

She'd deal with him later, she decided, before taking a steadying breath and knocking on the double doors of the study.

"Come in, Elowen."

She shuffled in, a flush of embarrassment already working itself up her neck. She wasn't sure if it was due to what she'd overheard, or due to the mortification she still felt over her outburst a day earlier.

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