Ch 24: Pulling teeth

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Cereas was just as Ella remembered–lush, spawling hills of vibrant green, groves of lavender, poppies, and trees heavy with fruit. A gust of wind saturated with citrus sweetness ruffled her gauzy dress, and Ella smoothed down the delicate, baby blue chiffon as she observed the castle. Proud and grand, reigning atop a grassy hill with its creeping fig and yellow honeysuckle, full of life and the comings and goings of its inhabitants.

A tinge of anxiety crept up Ella's stomach as she fiddled with her dress, she had half a mind to turn around and hightail it to Gerrathea, but instead, she squared her shoulder, pushed back the onslaught of nerves, and walked up the massive portico.

The large entrance loomed before her as Ella shifted on her feet and took a steadying breath. Two guards flanking the colossal doors bowed their heads in acknowledgement as Ella opened her mouth to announce her arrival, but before she could utter a word, the large doors opened and she was met with Gidden's large figure, as if he'd been waiting for her.

He stared at her for a second before breaking into an unwaveringly large grin and tugging her inside the palace and into a bone-crushing embrace, much to Ella's astonishment. She could hear the doors closing behind them, likely the guards giving them some semblance of privacy, and Ella chuckled into his sturdy chest, engulfed by the scent of pine and warmth. The apprehension in her chest eased, relieved that he'd welcomed her in typical Gidden fashion–brazenly candid and unapologetically warm.

It was only seconds before he pulled her back, a frown on his handsome features.

"What--" he studied her face with confusion, shaking his head, "There's something--" As his eyes caught on her pointed ears, his mouth parted and he let her go abruptly, holding her at arm's length.

Gidden's eyes were wide as saucers as he scanned her over intensely, like he couldn't quite believe his eyes. Ella felt a blush creeping up her neck at the scrutiny.

"You're Fae!" he blurted. "And you're even prettier!"

Realizing his words, he went red up to his ears. Ella fared no better. "I'm sorry, I don't understand," Gidden mumbled, shuffling on his feet. He let her go and scratched the back of his neck. "How are you--"

"Ellie!" Briar came bolting towards the entry in a flash of auburn curls and lavender gossamer. She latched onto her, throwing her arms around her neck, and Ella let out a soft 'oomph', but squeezed her back just the same.

The Blackthorn siblings were notorious huggers, after all.

Quickly as she'd latched on, Briar drew herself back, "Never do that again! You almost killed me with worry!" she slapped Ella's hand and scowled.

Ella bit her lip guiltily, "I'm so sorry Bree, I didn't mean—"

"Gods above, what happened to you!" Briar scanned Ella as well, albeit less intensely than Gidden had. "Don't get me wrong honey, you look stunning, but there's a bit of a change in you," she clasped a silvery curl around her finger. "Amazing, what do they put in the water in Gerrathea," she mumbled, twirling the silky strand.

"Surprise?" Ella winced.

"And you have fangs!" Briar stuck a finger to Ella's face and pushed up her lip, examining the sharp side teeth.

"I have these, too," Ella flexed her fingers until the claws sprang free. "Bit of a change," she chuckled awkwardly.

"You have a lot of explaining to do, missy." Briar crossed her arms, but she wore an amused grin.

"That's an understatement," muttered Gidden, still looking at loss for words. He hadn't managed to take his eyes off of her.

Ella sighed, "It's a very long, very confusing story."

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