A note from the author

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Hello, dear reader!

If you've come all the way here, congratulations! You've just finished reading my 600-ish page, harebrained book. Thank you so much!

First, I would like to thank anyone who took the time to give my story a chance. There are hundreds of amazing reads on Wattpad, yet some of you still read mine! And boy, do I know this was a long one. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you to anyone who commented, liked or even just read my story. Knowing that someone out there enjoyed something I created gives me immense happiness! There is nothing quite like making something from scratch and watching the reactions <33

I started writing this during an especially hard time, during 2020. I don't need to explain, I think. It was an all-around bad time for everyone. I found myself longing for some escapism. I was fed up with social media and the horrible, dreary news. I wanted something to, you guessed it, run away and distract myself. Lo and behold, out of nowhere, I got the idea for this story.

I didn't even think to publish it at first. It was just my little idea that kept me up, researching and developing and plotting. It gave me something to do other than stare at the news and pace my room. It kept me sane.

By the time I finished it, it was quite literally December 31st, New Year's Eve. It had taken me three months to write around 600 pages of the most twisty and waffly piece of fiction I'd even dared to dream of. I've always been a writer, and above all, a reader, but never did I dream of finishing an entire book! When I decided to publish it here, I was just happy to have completed something with my own two hands. I still am! But now, I'm also happy that at least a small amount of people can enjoy what I've so proudly made!

So, again, thank you for accompanying me on this journey! It was my first time seriously writing something and publishing it, and I've learned so, so much from the kind comments and tips some of you have left. I feel like I've polished my craft and it's left me with a renewed sense of purpose.

As for this story; it's not over! I obviously wouldn't leave it at such a cliffhanger.

This story is a duology. Unpopular reader pet peeve here, but I usually feel like sagas are unnecessary? I end up feeling like the second book in most sagas could have been easily squished into the first and third, you know? Then again... I did write an unnecessarily long book, so who am I to judge, right?

I will begin uploading the second part of this series ASAP! Starting next week, just like my regular uploading schedule. I would like to upload twice a week, or perhaps two chapters all at once if my schedule is busy due to Uni and work. But I will maintain the constant updates.

You can expect my next story to be more fast-paced and full of action! Part of the reason this one was soooo long was that I needed to set the grounds for this work and do extensive worldbuilding.

On that note, terribly sorry for the length! I did not think this would be as long. I ended up adding a few more chapters I felt were necessary, but I also realised that I could probably do with cutting it down? Thanks to some amazingly helpful comments, I have also taken into account the chapter lengths and wordiness. The next instalment will be much more streamlined and divided into more readable lengths!

I do want to eventually re-edit this into a much more concise and tidy version, but I'm not sure when that will be, as now I plan to upload the second instalment in the HOG series, and perhaps a new book I'm working on! (Psst, it's a cool story about a Witch and her friends :))) )

So, finishing off this very rambly and extremely on-character note, thank you all for reading this far and I do hope to see you in the next book! Ella, her crazy gang of friends and I will be waiting <33

Much love, Margan <3

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