Ch 67.2: Out-of-luck wishing well

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Ella squirmed and bit back the impulse to put up a flimsy excuse and flee. She knew this was coming eventually and still, it wasn't easier. But no matter how much she wanted to avoid the inevitable conversation, she wouldn't. Gidden deserved as much.

Just the same, she wasn't going to be the first to speak. Ella had only so much goodwill. And so, she squirmed and held her tongue, until Gidden finally spoke.

"When I met you, I formed an impression right away. I tend to do that. I guess I thought you were..." He made a noise, as if searching for the right word.

"Conceited, spoiled, fussy?" Ella supplied. "Stuck up? Tragically beautiful and well-spoken?"

Gidden snorted. "Something along those lines," he muttered. "I'd already made up my mind... but you proved me wrong. You continue to do it, I'll admit," he added. "You constantly shatter my mind. I never know what to expect from you. I like it, a lot."

"Even if I drive you mad half the time and do things you aren't happy with?" She asked, toying with the ring on her finger, not looking at him.

"Yes," he said seriously. "I like how you are. You're daring and bold, you try things that I could never dream about. I like how you charge forward, even if it makes me want to rip my hair out." He nudged her and she laughed softly. "I like how you make everything seem possible."

"I just... like you," he admitted, sighing. "I like your sharp humour and how you always have something witty to say. I like how you play with my brother and how close you are to my sister. I like how you jump at any chance to help. How you truly listen and see people. I like how you see me." He paused and turned to her. She could feel his gaze heavy on her profile. "You make me feel seen, Ella."

She bit the inside of her cheek and shifted, resting her head on the crook of her bent elbow. Gidden did the same, turning to face her entirely. They were close enough that she could touch him if she reached out. But their proximity didn't feel tense. It felt... normal.

No flutter low in her stomach. No urge to trace the lines of his face and memorise them. No need to lean closer and poke his dimpled chin, kiss the light scar on the bridge of his freckled nose. She'd felt that at some point, hadn't she?

Once, she'd been infatuated with him. With the scent of his soap and the stray curls on his forehead. Even the curl of his broad hand around hers had made her blush like a young girl. She couldn't understand why, but she could no longer find any ebb of that once affection.  He was just as handsome, just as sweet and kind. What had changed?

With a sudden start, Ella realised what she felt for Gidden lacked any sort of yearning. It was akin to her affection for Briar or Cedric. Utterly chaste.

What a horrible moment to have such a realisation, amid a heartfelt confession.

"I care for you as a friend," he said gently. "You're one of my closest friends. But I guess I'm trying to explain that at the same time, I feel something deeper for you. Different."

Taking a deep breath, he continued, letting it flow freely. "For the longest time, I've been falling in love with you. I need you to know, that I want to spend my days by your side, take care of you. I want to be with you, truly be with you. I want to court you properly Ella. And if you'll have me, I'd like to show you how much I can give you. Make you happy.

Her heart ached. This was exactly what every girl wanted to hear. The perfect words, the perfect tone, the perfect look of hopeful yearning.

Here was Gidden Blackthorn. Sweet, caring Gidden, who placed flower crowns on her head and flushed when she complimented him. Loyal and fiercely just Gidden, who defended his Kingdom with might. Her sweet, gentle friend, who now looked at her like she was something precious, something he deeply wanted to hold and care for.

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