Ch 16.2: Reckless choices

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Ella spent the rest of her day exploring the grounds. Cereas was dreamy green softness, colourful flowers, rolling hills of lavender and creeks, little thatch roof houses with gardens and vast lands brimming with crops.

Gerrathea was different; brooding, dark and fantastical.

Gerrathea was breathtakingly magnificent. Crowning the top of a forested mountain, the palace was perched on a clifftop, overlooking a thin strip of beach, sandy coves and the roaring, choppy sea. The massive estate seamlessly blended in with its surroundings, a rugged forest landscape that framed the property, composed of massive pines, firs, scarlet beeches, black alders and the occasional white birch, as well as a gurgling river that curled around the edges of the land and made its sinuous way through the mountaintop. On the landward side, it boasted a view of a quaint town of colourful roofed houses and the bustling docks, where she could see the constant coming and going of large ships and boats.

The palace itself was a vision of dark beauty. An enormous, dramatic, ivy-covered figure that blended in perfectly with the rugged beauty of the lands, complementing each other as if the castle had sprung up from the craggy cliff rocks. The crenellated pewter stone walls towered into the high heavens, an impressive building that loomed over everything, with enormous, uneven rooflines. Its numerous round towers with tourelles and needle-like spires poked into the sky, magnificent and proud. The building had fantastical lance windows adorning the towers, arched stained-glass bursting with colours like a kaleidoscope, sprawling stone balconies, bay windows and even an impressive turret tower clock.

Ella wandered through the lands for hours. Idyllic, mesmerising terrains of breathtaking beauty. She took in the massive domed greenhouse, bordered the sprawling cliff walk that dominated the turbulent shoreline, edged around the hedge labyrinth and she explored the colossal forested country park. She delighted in exploring the lands, marvelling at the sight of little sprites, foxes, red grouse, deers and even a jackalope, which she'd been elated to find, as the creature even allowed her to stroke its fur. She walked until the dying sun and the enormous tower clock announced it was past time for her to head inside, content and rose-cheeked from the brisk salty air and the hours of walking the choppy terrain.

It was hours later that Ella sat in front of the roaring fire in her bedroom, clad in a thick wool blanket. She gnawed on her lip pensively as she stared at the carmine and golden flames, lost in thought. She'd given up trying to read to occupy her mind hours ago, and now, it was well past midnight and anxiety was eating her alive like corrosive acid.

Aedion had told her he'd look for Grayson at nightfall.

Although she knew he was a skilled warrior with massive power, she was also aware that this was a dangerous mission. Try as he may hide it, it was clear that this wasn't an easy task.

Deciding she couldn't be bothered to keep the pretence of calm, Ella wrapped the blanket tightly over her figure and tiptoed into the hallway. She settled on the grand staircase on the half landing, illuminated by dim candlelight.

After what felt like a lifetime, her dazed state of unease was broken by the loud crack of the entrance doors bursting open.

Aedion barrelled through, hoisting an unconscious body across his back.


Aedion gently laid the limp figure on the floor, near a small table. He then collapsed next to it, groaning.

Ella bolted towards them, fear and dizzying relief clutching her chest.

"Aedion," she breathed, taking in his form. He was bloodied, his face, hands and neck splattered with crimson in varying states of freshness. His dark tunic was shredded and his inky hair was dishevelled.

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