Ch 30: Glutton for punishment

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Warnings for blood and strong violence


"Have Blaise write up a letter to Commander Gylm, I want troops doubled and I want the ports watched as well," Callan said as soon as he and Aedion lapsed into the palace, well into the night.

"I'll do that. He's speaking with Lord Acer's advisor now, taking account of the damage on the lands and--" Aedion stopped mid-sentence, as Callan was looking behind him, his face suddenly contorted into a haggard, dejected expression.

Aedion turned to find the source of his concern--a bundled Ella on the staircase landing, asleep against the railing with a blanket half wrapped around her shoulders. A giant black figure was curled around her, thumping his large tail as he saw them.

Aedion's chest lurched at the sight. She'd never even gone to bed. Her terrified, pleading eyes were still fresh in his mind. They'd been there all night.

"I'll take her to bed," he murmured.

Callan nodded and sighed resignedly, pushing a hand through his short white hair. He looked older like this, exhausted from a night of depleting his power pulling a dome-like ward across the enormous, never-ending expansive land of Gerrathea. He'd spent hours lapsing and casting, lapsing and casting, securing the very last inch of land. It would take him a while to recover from the gruelling, power depleting labour he'd performed tonight. But Callan never complained. He'd bleed himself dry to keep his people safe.

Over the years Aedion had worked by his side, and even before, he'd witnessed Callan doing the unthinkable to protect his people. Things that often added to his tarnished, distorted reputation. Aedion never minded, because he knew and understood all too well the need to do unsavoury, questionable actions to preserve what was important.

Climbing the steps, he crouched in front of Ella's sleeping form. Vesper gave a low growl, as if considering taking a chomp out of Aedion's arm. Aedion scowled at the dog, "I'm trying to get her to bed, if you'll let me do that, thank you very much."

Vesper considered him briefly before harumphing and uncurling him massive figure from around Ella. He trotted down the stairs to where Callan stood, rubbing against his leg lovingly as Callan petted him. Aedion shook his head, that thing was a menace. Still, he couldn't help the pang of annoying affection he held for the mutt, guarding over his owner and keeping her company.

Effortlessly, he bundled her into his arms, where her head immediately lolled onto his shoulder.  He dared only a glance at her, knowing all too well that Callan's heavy and knowing eyes were on him. 

Her delicate features were lightly wrinkled into a frown, even as she slept. She was rarely fully relaxed--always alert, always on edge.

"Aedion," Callan said from the main entrance. "Be careful."

His words were mild and his expression blank, but Aedion knew exactly what he meant. A silent warning, reminding him of a conversation they'd already had.

Aedion wanted to snip back something snarky, but he had no witty comebacks. Not that those ever worked on Callan. It always ended with him raising a pale, unimpressed brow and making Aedion feel like a petulant child. Not much different than the sleeping woman in his arms, he thought begrudgingly.

And so, he nodded tersely and continued up the flight of stairs, grumbling about snooty blond Aerons and their uncanny ability to seem superior at all times. That, and his unfortunate penchant for putting up with them.

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