Ch 25: A house of cards

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Mentions of violence, death and blood


The staticky crackle of magic gave way to a smoky cloud of black. From the cocoon of darkness, a tall, imposing figure stepped out.

"How charming, another dramatic little display," Aedion sneered, curling his lip in distaste as he observed Ella and Gidden from his imperious height. "I hate to break up this little tumble in the grass and disappoint all the hungry bedbugs and louse, but we have to go, urgently."

"What are you doing here?" Gidden said harshly, his arm still around Ella's waist.

It was somewhat baffling to see Aedion in all his dark glory, in the middle of green and whimsical Gerrathea, wearing a barely concealed look of contempt and...

Ella frowned. Aedion looked like his usual self on the surface–aloof and disinterested. But there was something off in his semblance, little cracks in that polished surface. The tightness in his shoulders, the tension in his flickering eyes, the subtle clench in his jaw.

Distressed, Ella realised. The realisation made a knot form in her stomach.

"What happened?" It was difficult to fully conceal the anxious undertone to her voice.

"Callan wants you back at the palace, he asked me to pick you up right away... there's an emergency," he said tightly, acknowledging only Ella, outright refusing to look at Gidden.

Her heart lodged in her throat, a terrible feeling taking over. She made to get up, but Gidden's arm tightened. "What's going on, do you need me to come with you?"

"Nothing of your concern, wheat boy. We have it under control," Aedion drawled, ignoring that the question hadn't been aimed at him. "Now, if you'd so kindly let go of your cuddly toy, Wen and I have to be on our way."

A muscle feathered in Gidden's clenched jaw but Ella was too concerned with getting to Gerrathea to try and appease him. The increasing cold wind and the fear welling up inside made her shiver, her skin breaking out in gooseflesh.

Moving his arm aside, Ella stood, hastily smoothing her skirts. "It's fine, Gid, really." She patted his shoulder reassuringly, a bit distantly. Her mind was already off in Gerrathea. "I'll send word as soon as possible, there's no need to worry. I know I said I'd stay for dinner, but I really must go. Please send my love to Briar and Fraz, tell them I'm sorry I left in such haste. Give them my excuses, will you?"

"Fine," he sighed and stood as well, looking dejected. "But please be careful, El." He leaned down and brushed a light kiss on her cheek.

Ella didn't even have the time to startle or flush at his very overt and public display, Aedion's booming, vexed presence only served to hasten her.

"Do go on, I really am in no hurry," he drawled, tapping a dark-tipped finger on his crossed arms. "I so enjoy standing here, surrounded by the scent of horse manure and dull conversation."

Gidden shot him an icy look, before looking at Ella and frowning. "Wait, you're shivering, let me give you my coat." He began to shrug off his coat as she walked over to Aedion.

"She doesn't need it, I brought her own coat right here," Aedion bit out, producing Ella's midnight blue wool cloak. He hung it on her shoulders and smoothed it down, his hands lingering on her shoulders as he looked at Gidden.

Ella sighed deeply and rubbed her temples. Gidden's eyes flashed furiously, but despite Aedion's triumphant smugness, the hostility rolling off him was almost palpable.

"Aedion," she turned to face him. "Let's go, please."

Turning her back on Gidden only managed to further irritate him–much to Aedion's satisfaction–but it was the only way to get out quicker. There was no time to indulge in another one of their petty fights, less so now, when there was an emergency at hand.

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