Ch 33: A cloak-and-dagger affair

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Much later, Ella found herself walking along the winding hallways, heading towards Callan's study. She'd left Gidden in her sitting room, after spending part of the evening catching up with him. As she'd hoped, he was willing to stay for dinner, so now, she only had to pitch and sell the idea to Callan. The actual daunting aspect.

Muttering under her breath, she made her way to his study, so lost in thought that she almost didn't hear the sounds. But sure enough, as she neared the massive doors, she began to hear voices.

"--I don't understand. You said you'd do it. What's the excuse now, Callan?"

It sounded like Aedion's voice. Surprisingly, it held a hint of sharpness. Ella scrunched her face and pressed herself closer to the door.

"Aedion." Callan's clipped, bland tone. "Now is not the time, you know this. You know the risk it presents now. Do you wish for that to happen?"

Aedion scoffed. "Oh, that's convenient, isn't it? How fortunate, this happens right when you were going to--"

Aedion paused. Ella frowned and she pressed herself even closer, wanting to make out the rest of the conversation.

"Elowen," Callan called. "You may come in."

Ella flushed bright pink. Damn their stupid fae hearing. And damn her for thinking she could actually eavesdrop on Callan.

"Yes, I'm coming," she called, cringing. She pressed her cold hands to her heated cheeks and smoothed non-existent wrinkles from her dress, before twisting the door open.

Callan sat behind his massive desk, wearing a somewhat amused expression that had Ella reddening again. Aedion was leaning on the side of his desk, arms and ankles crossed.

"Done entertaining prince charming?" Aedion drawled.

Ella pointedly ignored him, not sparing a glance in his direction. She flicked her hand and cast a privacy glamour. Something they should have done, she thought huffily, if they didn't want their conversation to be overheard.

Callan gave her a pleased smile, "You've been practising, good."

Ella smiled lightly before sitting down on the upholstered chair in front of the desk. She primly cleared her throat. "I've something to request of you."

Callan raised his brows but waved a hand, gesturing for her to go on.

"I've invited Gidden to stay for dinner. I think this would be a good opportunity to start creating communication. Let him listen to what you have to say, let him relay back to King Fraser," she said, clasping her hands on the polished wood surface. "You'll forgive me for possibly being out of line, but I only speak what's on my mind. We need to band together, putting up this front of extreme privacy and ruthlessness isn't going to work in our favour now. This is the time to strategically create relations."

Ella bit back the need to flinch, half expecting Callan to snap at her for being so insolent and speaking where it didn't concern her. He'd never been cruel, but the fear was still ingrained in her.

Instead, he steepled his fingers and rested his pointed chin on top, drinking in her words and contemplating her with utmost attention.

He leaned on his desk and brought up an envelope. The seal, a deep crimson colour, had been broken already. "This came in today. It's a citation from behalf of the council and other Kingdoms," Callan said calmly, despite Ella's stomach dropping at the words. "The wards are a breaching of the treaty."

"I admit your words fall true. Our already rickety reputation has taken a blow by these events," he tapped his joined fingers on his chin, contemplatively staring at the envelope. "It would be in our best interests to better our relations with neighbouring Kingdoms."

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