Ch 61.2: Fondest memories

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Ella bounced on the balls of her feet, waiting by the front door with the exuberance of a child. She couldn't be bothered to pretend she wasn't excited.

Sir Gawain and Sir Coryn, the only other guard on duty, watched her with amusement from where they flanked the door. They didn't even bother telling her she didn't need to wait by the entrance like a statue. They'd already tried and failed.

It seemed like it was hours later that there was finally a firm knock, and the guards opened the massive double doors. Before they could even announce the arrival, a cloud of gauzy lavender and auburn curls burst past them.

Ella rushed forward with a barely contained squeal, meeting her friend halfway in a crushing hug.

"You came!" Ella said between laughs.

"Of course, I would! What do you take me for, missing my best friend's birthday!" Briar pulled back enough to plant two sonorous kisses on Ella's cheeks. "Happy birthday, honey!"

"By Mydar, you two sound like squawking seagulls," someone called from the door. "You'd think you hadn't seen each other in months, not a week."

Though Briar and Ella corresponded at all times and made the point to see each other often—more than Ella saw Gidden, in fact, due to his role at the borders—Briar never came to Gerrathea.

King Fraser might have let his daughter roam their lands freely, but allowing a visit to another kingdom was another matter. Until Briar arrived, Ella hadn't been sure her friend would be able to come.

"Nice to see you too, Ronan," Ella faced to burly, blue-skinned man by the door. "Where's your better half?" Gidden's second in command and one of his closest friends, Ronan. Likely the reason Briar had been permitted to visit.

Ronan grinned. "Are you referring to His Royalty Majesty, the great Gidden or Ewan?"

"I was referring to Ewan, but it's all the same. You three come in a package." She then added, "Where is Gidden anyway?"

"Ewan, the lucky son of a witch," Ronan gestured a large hand at them, "Managed to get out of being roped into this nanny duty."

"Oh, come off it," Briar scoffed. "You wanted to come, you literally volunteered. And besides, you should be appreciative. You get to spend your afternoon in my delightful presence instead of being surrounded by sweaty, ugly men."

Ronan added something that sounded like 'At least the recruits don't screech and take five hours to get ready.'

"Gidden couldn't come today," Briar said wistfully. "He's been scowling all morning. Father needed him present for a military reunion."

"Nothing serious, I hope," Ella frowned.

"No, just protocolar stuff," Briar waved off.

"It's serious," Ronan interjected. "The King and some other generals are working out a financial plan. There's clearly a need to redistribute the funds to allot more stipends for the troops and more gear and weaponry, what with the rise in productivity, it's only reasonable. Given that lately, the militia portion of the kingdom budget had increased exponentially, a meeting is in due order to better--"

"Boring but very important business," Briar interrupted.

Ronan scowled, "It's important! You'd do well to care."

Ella stifled a laugh behind a hand. She was reminded of the squabbling that occurred every day in her own court.

"I care, Ron," Briar huffed in exasperation. "But not enough to ruin my day off. I take on the welfare matters and leave militia talk to Gidden. See? Everyone is happy."

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