Ch 42: A mirror away

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When overwhelmed and under uncertain circumstances, there was one foolproof method Ella always recurred to; finding a purpose.

It was logical; what time was there to dwell on problems and uncomfortable realisations when she was too busy to stop and think? Some might have accused her of trying to cover the moon with her finger and purposely avoiding her problems with distractions, but Ella was of the idea that those people should mind their business.

After all, it had been working just fine so far, hadn't it? It was a perfectly reasonable solution.

And so, early morning found her in the sun-drenched parlour of Caelum, comfortably nestled amidst cushy white pillows as she waited for Queen Seren.

Seren did not make herself absent too long. It was only after a moment that she made her grand entrance, in a flurry of gauzy peach robes and wispy golden hair, just as beautiful as she'd been the last time Ella saw her.

"Oh, it's so good to see you, dear!" she exclaimed, coming into the parlour. She leaned over and planted two airy kisses on Ella's cheeks, much to her bewildered amusement. The sweet scent of jasmine lingered in the air, even as she plopped down on the divan across from her, all before Ella could even react.

"Let's have a look at you," she said, examining Ella with a bright smile and scrutinizing sapphire eyes. She hummed in response, nodding, "Much better I see, and still as pretty as a spring rose! The glamour came off smashingly, you look every bit a true elven princess!"

Ella gave her a flustered smile, ducking her head briefly. By now, she'd come to realise the Queen had an eccentric, whimsical nature about her. In a way, it reminded her of Callan's own unconventional ways, albeit in polar opposite attitudes.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. For having me on such short notice. I never got to thank you for your kind services last time."

"Oh, of course, dear, it's no problem," she waved a hand, her many bracelets and bells jangling merrily. "And please, do call me Seren, it makes me feel terribly formal otherwise. Now, tell me, to what do I owe this visit? Does Callan know you're here?"

Ella hesitated briefly, and that was enough for Seren to catch on.

"Ah, I see, he doesn't know," those clever eyes twinkled knowingly, a slight grin curving on her mouth. "Don't worry dear, I won't tell him."

Ella flushed, fiddling with her sleeve slightly, "I don't think he would mind anyway..."

"Of course not. Besides, a girl needs to have some secrets!" she said mischievously. "Life would be terribly boring otherwise. Come, tell me what you need. Tea?" she signalled the beautiful spread on the small table between them, laden with cream topped cakes and colourful biscuits, as well as marzipan sweets and candied flowers.

"Please," Ella answered. "Milky with honey," she added, as Seren poured the piping amber liquid into twin porcelain teacups.

"Ah, just like your mother," Seren mused, a small smile on her lips as she poured in the milk. "You know," she passed her the teacup and saucer, "I'm practically your aunt."

At Ella's raised brows, Seren grinned over the golden rim of her cup. "Callan and I are cousins, our mothers were sisters," she said in way of explanation. "My aunt, Callan's mother, married into the Aeron family, and I spent quite a lot of time at Gerrathea growing up, I was terribly close to all my cousins."

So she'd known Ella's father. "All your cousins?" Ella asked, attempting to keep her tone casual.

It made sense, in a way she hadn't realised before. The similarities were there, in the sharp features, and particularly in the white hair. It certainly explained Callan's closeness to her, and their casual way of relating to each other.

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