Ch 17: A hellish, bone-deep desire for conquest

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It was only after a while that Ella could properly digest the events.

Grayson was finally safe. In poor health, but safe and well attended. She knew then that her decisions -no matter how questionable or difficult- had been correct, everything had been worth it. The shame and guilt of the previous month lessened substantially, allowing her to breathe easier. Ella was comforted in the knowledge that now, she only had to focus on finding her sister and mother, it was one less item on her list.

However, the alleviated state in no way meant that Ella had fully relaxed. It only meant she had different purposes now. Thus, dawn found her heading straight for the infirmary, too impatient to wait to check on her brother.

Healer Sulimona was a wizened elf with a multitude of grey hairs tucked into a tight bun and a no-nonsense attitude.

As soon as Ella had knocked on the door, she'd grumbled and let her in, muttering that she was terribly busy. Still, she led Ella to the inside of a large infirmary. A room of sober cream walls and rows upon rows of shelves lined with thick, aged grimoires, tiny vials of shimmering powders, jars full of herbs, claws, scales and even an ominous-looking eye. A large work table dominated the room, where three cauldrons sat upon. One of them boiled away, a pleasant herbal fragrance wafting from within.

"I really am sorry to bother you," Ella said, as she eyed the woman while she bustled around with surprising ease despite her age. "I only meant to check on my brother and thank you for tending to him."

"Nonsense," she muttered, stirring the simmering cauldron with a large wooden spoon. "I am always up at this hour, it is the only sensible time."

Ella was mesmerised, watching the elder faerie chopping and dicing plants and roots with the sprightly ease of a well-practised healer.

"The young boy will be fine. I shall make sure he is strong as an ox in no time," she said. "A bit skinny that one, but I shall fix that as well."

"What are the damages?" Ella said, holding her breath.

"He was a bit roughed up, poor boy," Sulimona grumbled, a frown creasing her stern features. "Quite a few broken bones and critical wounds, as well as a concussion. He is fine, but I have seen fit to place him in a spell induced sleep, so he heals properly." At Ella's pale, wide-eyed expression, the healer waved a hand and said in a softer tone, "Nothing to worry about, sprite. It is only so he doesn't suffer. His human body would strain too much. This is for the best."

Ella nodded, letting out a sigh. "How long will this sleep-like state last?"

"Until he heals," she said, placing a muslin cloth on top of the cauldron. "A month or so, I reckon."

A month. Ella took a deep breath, biting the inside of her cheek. She trusted the healer's judgement. If this was for the best, then it had to be done. She was overwhelmingly grateful that they'd gotten Grayson in time, and that he had an experienced healer tending to him. Had it not been for the faerie charms and brews, she wasn't sure he would have survived, in that horribly mangled state he'd been in.

Ella let loose a small smile, "Thank you," she murmured again, reassured that Grayson was in good hands. Then, she shifted on her feet. "May I see him?"

Healer Sulimona looked up at her with squinted eyes. Then, she summoned a ceramic tea kettle with rose motifs. She produced a cup and brought down one of the jars from the many shelves, adding a pinch of the contents to the cup, as well as the boiling water.

"You may," she said, thrusting the cup into Ella's hands. "But only for a while."

Ella let out a surprised smile and lifted the cup to her nose. Mint and linden. She mumbled an appreciation, amused and feeling as if she were speaking to a grumpy grandmother.

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