Ch 20: Two enemies, one sword

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"The next time you even consider stuffing a letter from a foreign diplomat into the bottom of your hellhole desk drawer," Ella said, dumping multiple thick folders and a notebook on the table. "Picture me holding a knife to your throat."

"Oh, I already do," Aedion said offhandedly, looking at the tomes in front of his plate of quail eggs and potato cakes. "What's this?"

Ella took her place across the table and served herself a much-needed cup of coffee.

"I've archived all your paperwork into these folders," she opened one to show him the little tabs marked alphabetically. "I've separated each subject into different binders, so there's a volume dedicated to letters, requests and permits, contracts, financial statements, invitations, assessments. Each individual folder is separated into old works you've already taken care of and new ones that are yet to be addressed. Then everything is organized by alphabetical order of the sender's names and by date. There are some red notes in the margins," she signalled the crimson tags poking out of some sections. "Those mark the important paperwork that you'll be requiring these following days, for easy access."

"Seeing as you don't have a proper agenda," she brought forward the leather notebook and fixed him with a pointed look. "I took the liberty to write up all of your appointments and reminders here, so you can see what previous obligations you have that day. And I colour coded them by order of priority, there's an index at the front, but it's quite intuitive." She then sheepishly added, "I hope you don't mind, I just thought that if I wrote them down myself, you wouldn't have to read all those letters and paperwork and remember to add them into your calendar."

Aedion blinked owlishly. "Do you sleep at night?"

"Like a babe," she answered sweetly, taking a sip of piping hot, sugary coffee.

Ella had, in fact, not slept at all.

Not due to the task's difficulty, it had more to do with her ever-present insomnia. It had gotten steadily worse over the last month. She often had nightmares and when she didn't, sleep simply never came. Might as well get work done, do something productive with her time, rather than tossing and turning in bed, looking up at the ceiling.

"You've filed my papers into alphanumerical preciseness and then colour coded a planner," he muttered with a tinge of astonishment. "I've seen war tacticians less organized."

"It's the most effective method," she said defensively. "I always colour code my notes and annotations whenever I study a book or reading material."

"Why doesn't that surprise me one bit."

When she scowled at him, he said, "Thank you, really. I don't think they've ever been that neat. I must say, I don't know how long that tidiness will last."

Then, his lips sloped into a smile. Not a smirk or a jeer, a genuine smile. One that had deep dimples blooming on both his cheeks and made him look unfairly pretty.

Ella frowned.

"Yes, well, you can thank me by not using your correspondence as makeshift napkins," she sniffed and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. "Honestly Aedion, I found tomato stains on a note from an ambassador and a permit for a festival all full of bread crumbs."

"Finally! Someone with common sense! It was about time someone said it."

Ella turned to find a woman standing at the door of the dining room, wearing a wide grin on her face.

"Always a pleasure to see you, Valren," Aedion drawled.

"Can we continue this reunion inside the dining room? My feet are killing me," grumbled a man pushing past the woman. Upon entering, he looked at Ella and blinked twice before surging forward, "Oh, I didn't know we had company. Hello, I'm Blaise."

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