The Pastel (shculyer) sister

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Eliza pov 💙
I got a phone call from John and he said that he need my help and I was ready to help him when he got back from the honeymoon Peggy saw something but I already knew what it was...[the day that Alex and John got to the Schuyler hosue] they finally got here and I have became extremely over protective of John and the baby and I do everything for him and I have become good friends with John I help him get up an sit down becasue the baby is growing fast I find out what the baby likes and what the baby doesn't like and my father has been helping John out a lot and I have talked to Alex and well Maria helped him to get out of his shock state an got him back to himself and Alex has been able to help John out and also helping mine father out about how John got pregnant because it's impossible for a guy to have a baby but my father stop worrying about it because his number one job is to help us with john..... 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
Eliza:💙*puts a blanket on John who is asleep on the couch an I stay close to him an I look at alex who is next to him* "Alex are you alright? you look in deep though there so I just wanted to make sure that you are okay "

Alex:⭐"yeah I am alright thanks to Maria I can actually talk again I have to be here for John and our baby that we both created togther but I know that his long time friend Francis is going to kill me for this and I still don't know why John chose me instead of Francis"
*looks at John an smiles an looks up an see Peggy walking into the room *

Peggy:💛"because John has always been in love with you and he sees Francis as as a friend and if that idiot trys to kill you and all three of us know that Maria and Angelica won't allow him to hurt you" *I sits down on the other couch an I look at my best friend who is asleep*

Angelica:💓"but it's not just Franics that we all need to worry about it's Thomas and his gang they are the most powerful people out here in this world and if they found out that John is pregnant it will mean war between us an them an it won't be too pretty for all of us here"
*I sit next to Peggy as Maria walks into the room my parents are allowing her to stay here not only is she Eliza girlfriend but she is very good with protecting us so that's why she stayed*

Maria:❤"there will be a war but for now we need to keep it among all of us here in this house but we also need to tell Lafayette and Hercules they are also John closet friend's besides all of us here" * I sit down next to angelica*

Angelica pov💓
It's been weeks since Alex and John got to our house my father and my mother have already made phone calls to Alex adopted parents and John parents all that they told them that Alex and John were back from their honeymoon because John got sick while they were there and that they are staying here until John got better Mr. and Mrs.
Washington took it very well all that they said was that they hope that John gets better and they will send somethings to help him out and I laugh at that because whatever they will send won't help out but anyways Mr. and Mrs. Laurens took it well an they said that they hope that their son gets better and they will visit when they can my dad is going to hide John pregnancys but I don't know how his going to that but yeah...... 💓💙💛❤💓💙💛❤💓💙

Peggy pov💛
I have been watching over John along with Eliza and Alex I don't know what's Eliza deal with John they have gotten close I'm not saying that it's bad at all but she has gotten over protective of john......❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Maria pov ❤🥀
"A war is going to break out all that I know that Thomas hasn't make a move yet" 

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