growing too fast

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(Time skip to when Philip is 9)
John pov 💚
Every day is a new challenge every day because mine and Alex son his growing up I love my son so much Philip means so much to me and Alex and he is such a joy to us an his birthday means a lot to us it felt like time flue by and it's been nine years since mine and Alex son has been born and also when I was frozen in time an Philip I love my son and I would do anything to protect him and him an Francis got close they are good friends and my parents an Alex parents they love Philip so much I can talk about how happy that I am but I can't not ignore that the fact that Jefferson an his gang are still out there in the world after me and my son because my son he is only half frozen he is human but I push that though away because I have to foucus on my son an my life...........💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
Philip:🐢*playing the piano with his aunt* "am I doing good aunt Lizzy?"

Eliza:💙"yes you are doing very good Philip you will be to be able to do it on your own just keep practices an you will do very good my sweet little pip"

Alex:⭐*looks at them an smiles an looks at john with a big a smile on his face* "he is getting so big on us John"

John:💚"yes he is getting big on us I remember when he was just a little baby an he was so precious I'm so happy"

Angelica:💓*sets down some tea on the coffee table an smiles* "he is getting very good with the piano don't you agree Peggy and Maria?"

Maria:❤*puts some sandwiches down on the coffee table* "yes he is getting so good and he is very smart for his age the other day he was telling me about the life of a butterfly and I didn't know about all of that an he is very smart"

Peggy:💛"yes I agree with Maria he is very smart for his age he was telling me about how long that wolf's live an he is very smart"

Philip:🐢*gets up from his seat an runs to his best friend an hugs his friends legs* "Francis!!!"

Francis:🖋*picks him up an gives him a big hug an looks at him an smiles*
"Hey there little pippy did you finished your piano lesson today?"

Eliza:💙"we just finished before you came he did very good he just needs to keep practicing an he will be very good"
*cleans the piano*

John:💚"he is very smart Francis he was telling Peggy and Maria about things that they don't know about somethings" *leans against his husband*

Alex:⭐"yeah he is very smart he probably got it from me thats how we know that he is mine and John son we is very sweet an kind an loving like his dad an he is very smart like his father"
*rubbs John back an smiles at him*

Angelica:💓"well tea is ready an sandwiches are made an Philip I made your favorite turkey an swiss cheese an I got you some apple juice your favorite" *sits down*

Lafayette🥖:*comes in with Herc*
"We are back an everything is clear no sign of Jefferson gang we think that they went down south but we are not sure"

Hercules:🥀"yep we don't know where they are but that's what we think"
*looks at his friends*

Francis pov🖋
We all sat down an ate our sandwiches an drink our tea except pippy he had apple juice but I know that John is worried about Jefferson gang coming back but after hearing from Lafayette and Hercules that they went south so they are not here in New York so meaning Pippy he is safe an so is John they are the only ones who I care about and I still don't know what John see in Alexander Hamilton at all an he is one

Francis:🖋*cleans pippy face and smiles at the little boy*
"there we go you look just like your dad"

Philip:🐢"an smart like my papa an I love them both" *gets up an hugs his dad an his papa*

Alex:⭐*hugs Philip an smiles at him*

John:💚*hugs Philip an smiles at his baby boy*

Jefferson pov💜

we are preparing for war and we are not in New York anymore until it's the right time to head back and I say when we do head back.

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