They Know!

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Lafayette pov 🥖
I was making my way back to the schuyler house to tell them that Thomas and his gang found out about John an I get there an I come into the house an everyone was in the living room...........
Hercules:🥀" Lafayette where were you love?"

Lafayette:🥖"Thomas send Lee and Reynolds after me and they found out about John being pregnant because Lee followed Franics and Lee here Franics talking to one the sisters and they know and he said that him and everyone are waiting for the right time to come an attack us all"

Franics:🖋"Lee followed me damn it this is not good at all do we know when they are going to attack us?"

Lafayette:🥖"when the baby is born"

Alex:⭐"they are not going to touch him" *I stand up an I look at John then to Franics*

Maria:❤"we are going to have to prepare to fight"

Peggy:💛"we have to start training now because who knows when the baby is going to be born so we have to start training now"

Angelica💓:"let's get started let's go"

Eliza:💙"I have to stay with John"

Franics:🖋"let's go everyone we need to start"

Eliza:💙 pov
I was with John while everyone else was out an my father an mother were in the living room my father was checking on john my father became a doctor after fighting in the wars we are human but we are also like vampires but not like the ones in that teenage romantic movie called twilight but we can be out in the sun an we have special powers like the vampires in the movie but we don't crave blood we eat human food like everyone else but we are Immortals we don't age at all like the vampires we are frozen in time we are still our ages John is the only human that we know because everyone else is frozen in time and John wants to know everything about us because he is married to Alex and he wants to be frozen in time like us so I have to tell him 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

Eliza:💙"so do we know when the baby will be here or not yet dad?"

Mr. Schuyler:☕"I'm afraid not Eliza it's hard for me to say because this has never happened before it's like in the stupid movie but it's real life I don't know when this baby will be here"

Mrs. Schuyler:🌸"I will make some tea and I will add some honey because the baby likes it and I will also cut up some fruit for John you keep good eyes on him Eliza" *I get up and I go into the kitchen and I get started on tea*

John:💚* I look at my baby bump the baby is a timer because once my baby is born Thomas and his gang is coming after us me and my baby and I'm not going to be no longer human I'm going to be frozen in time I am going to be 22 for the reast of my life and Alex he is frozen in time he is 24 an he still is the same age my husband fought in the revolutionary war so he is really old in human years but he is frozen in time so he is 24 years old* "I hope that my baby will be here soon I'm excited to met my baby"

Eliza:💙"I know that you are I am excited to meet the little one too"

Mr Schuyler:☕"your puls is getting stronger and I'm sorry John if I knew when the baby is coming yet"

John:💚"I have a question if Alex is like the reast of you but the Washington's said that he came to them when he was ten years old?"

Mrs. Schuyler:🌸* I put the tea and fruit down and look at him an I gave him a smiles* "Alex did something to make them to think like that it's not a bad thing"

Eliza:💙"Alex has always wanted a family so he did something to make them think like that when before he came to them again he said that he went off to college and that they forgot about him"

John:💚"oh alright I get it"

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