Beautiful Night

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[🔞 WARNING Sexy time if you don't want to read this please go to the next chapter so you have been warned🔞]

John pov💚🐢
Tonight is the night were Alex will show me how much he loves me but he well already has shown it to me but it will not be sex no it will be love making and I am wearing something that me and my best friend Peggy we went shopping together and well she dragged me into Victoria Secret to get something a little special for this night I'm wearing a blue lace lingerie that Peggy helped me buy for this night and my hair is still in a ponytail I leave it because Alex likes taking it out of my hair anyways I'm so ready for this night I opened the bathroom door an I shut the light off and I walked into our bedroom and I see red roses all around the floor and someone one the bed and some candles in a jar and I see some chocolate covered strawberries next to the bed then I see my husband he has no shirt on and I can see that he is looking at me so make my way to him and I am so in love with my husband I just love alex so much and tonight he is going to show me how much he really loves me I'm so excited for this special night tonight...

John:💚"wow babe this is so romantic I love it you didn't have to do this but I love it it's so beautiful do you like what I am wearing for you I got it for tonight"
*does a little turn so his husband could see it and everything and is blushing*

Alex:⭐"well I wanted this night to be really special for you and I am glad that you love it and yes I like what you are wearing now let's do this babe I'm ready".............................🔥🔞🔥🔞🔥🔞🔥🔞🔥🔞🔥🔞🔥🔞🔥🔞🔥🔞🔥🔞🔥🔞

After hearing that I jumped into Alex arms and we started to make out and we got onto the the bed and our clothes came off an it was so magical I loved it.

John:💚*moaning as Alex was kissing his chest and I gripped the bedsheets*
"A-Alex~ please babe make love to me"

Alex:⭐"as you wish my love you want it and you will have it my love as you wish" *I kissed him and I slowly put it inside of my love and hearing him moan is music to my ears I went gentle at first because it's all part of the love making that I am doing for him*

John:💚*softly moaning an gripping the bedsheets tightly moving his head to the side an is moaning a lot I was in love with everything that he was doing to me even though he was gentle and me but I want it fast and hard I want him to make me scream and moan his name out into the world and to let everyone know that I am his and I belong to him*
"A-Alex~P-Please ahhh!~go faster and ah!~harder ah!~oh~daddy please go crazy on me please I want you to go ahh!~" *I let out a loud scream as I left him going fast and hard just like how I asked him to do for me and I'm in love*

Alex:⭐*I am moving faster and I'm going hard on him just like he asked me too and hearing him scream and moan is music to my ears and I am moaning as well because this is what I wanted to do for him and I will do anything that he asked me too because he is the love of my life and I would do anything that he needs me to do I will do it for him*
"Ahh!~fuck John ahhh!~oh fuck you feel really good and I can't ahhh!~get ahh!~ enough of you babe ahh!~oh fuck"
( five arounds later)

After our last an final around was over I felt Alex pull out out of me we were both out of breath so we catch out breaths and we made out a little bit and I fell asleep in his arms and he fell asleep as well all that I know that I was going to be pretty sore in the morning but it was all worth it because Alex showed me how much that he loves me

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