We Did it!

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Alex pov 🦁
it was over the war has ended an we are still standing I huged John as we both started crying we were both very happy and that means we are going to see our son again an we are excited John and I are so happy we did it.

Alex🍷:"we did it babe an you were very good babe you did amazing!"

John💚:*smiles at him* "yes we did it an thanks babe that mean we are going to see Philip our baby Alex we get to see him"

Peggy💛:"we won! wooooo! yeah!"

Lafayette🍺:"that should teach Jefferson to never mess with us we won!"

Angelica💗:"yes we won time to celebrate!"

Hercules🍻:"yeah we should have a party yay!"

Maria❤:"yes let's party!"

Eliza💙:*giggles and looks at Alex and John an smiles at them*"they will see their little boy"

Alex🍷:*holding John hand looking up at the sky*

John💚:*smiles holding his hand an looking up at the sky*

Peggy💛:"Alex! John! come on we are going to party! and we are going to celebrate our victory!"

Eliza💙:"leave them be Peggy they will join us soon"
Alex pov 🦁
John and I went to our little house to get it ready for Philip to come home to them an I hear John on the phone with Franics telling him that we won an that he can bring Philip home I smile an I fix his room an puts two plushies on his bed an I walk out an I look at John an I smiles at him. 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
John💚:"Alex babe come downstairs babe Philip is almost here!"

Alex🍷:*comes downstairs an smiles*
"I miss him so much I can't wait to see him again"

John💚:*we walk outside an I am holding Alex hand as I see Francis car pulling up*

Alex🍷:*I smiles as I am holding John hand then we hear our little boy voice*

Philip🐢:"Dada! Papa!"

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